Donald Trump did not mince words when asked about his friendship with former Israeli Prime Minister Binyomin Netanyahu today.
Trump told Israeli journalist Barak Ravid that after Joe Biden defeated him in the 2020 presidential election, “Bibi could have stayed quiet. He made a terrible mistake.” He then lambasted his former ally for being disloyal. “He was very early. Like earlier than most. I haven’t spoken to him since,” Trump said.
Trump then used a profanity as referring to Netanyahu.
Trump congratulated himself for helping Netanyahu, who is now leading the opposition in israel. “Nobody did more for Bibi. And I liked Bibi. I still like Bibi,” Trump said. “But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi. And not only did he congratulate him, he did it on tape. And it was on tape.” Read more at Axios.
the man is 100% right, he should”v waited to see what happens with election, because if it would have been reversed (which it should have) he would have looked like a good fool. Got to have brains. Especially when dealing with Mr. Trump the real winner of 2020 election
Trump is a narcissistic lowlife
Is Schweky going to re-write his song of praise for Trump? How about all the Trumpers who praised him to the sky?
How far from reality does your Zionist idolatry drag you?
You are indicating that President Trump’s valid praises should be withdrawn simply because he rightly criticized the Zionist former leader of the Zionist State of Israel?
He’s right about Bibi. No loyalty there.
No one ever believed that Trump is a בעל מדות. It is his policies that we applaud.
for being disloyal Need we remind President Donald Trump about his disloyalty to Vice President Mike Pence who was so loyal to President Donald Trump for 4 years, and on January 6th was nothing more than rubber stamping a tragic stolen election, but wasn’t being disloyal.
Trump is a jerk but Netanyahu should have waited before congratulating Biden.
End of of the day Trump did have Netanyahu’s back and Biden snubbed Netanyahu by making him from the last of the world leaders to get his call when he became president.
Had the situation were in reverse, Biden had been president for four years and been very supportive and friendly to a world leader. Then there are contested election results with that world leader rushing to publicly congratulate Biden’s opponent only a fool could think it would not cause him problems with Biden . Even though Biden has the political instincts not to say everything he thinks
Trump did so much for Israel and these secular Israeli gvmnt leaders have no gratitude, not to people or Torah values. What do you expect.
Trump is a Grump! He’s a lowlife narcissistic egomaniac BUT he’s done the best job as president of America and an amazing job protecting Israel and its goals and covering it from the world of foes. If only the Donald could control himself to some degree, he could possibly even win in 2024 without having to resort to his by now all-too-famous childish behavior! Come on man, grow up! I understand that Jared and Ivanka are also on his bad list.
Unfortunately, Israel has thought it necessary to grovel before American Presidents, even those “elected” through fraud. If we all get our act together, and start thinking and acting Jewishly and not politically, this will come to an end. How should we view Netanyahu? On one level, he’s been zigging and zagging to keep the Medina alive in a hostile world. On another level, he and most other Israeli politicians have no vision of the end game, that is, meriting the Geulah Sheleimah. They are content to keep living in Eretz Yisrael as Hebrew-speaking Western Europeans or Americans.
I hope Mike Pence wins the Republican nomination in 2023 and goes on to win the Presidency for 2024.