Man Dies After Self-medicating With A Fish Tank Cleaner To Treat Coronavirus

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A man died after ingesting an additive used to clean fish tanks — which included a pharmaceutical drug touted by President Trump and others as a potential coronavirus cure.

Within 30 minutes of taking chloroquine phosphate, the man in his 60s experienced “immediate effects” and had to be admitted to a nearby Banner Health hospital, the medical system in Arizona said in a press release Monday.

His wife, also in her 60s, is in critical condition after taking the additive, which is used in aquariums to kill some organisms, like algae, that may harm fish.

The man’s wife told NBC News she’d watched press briefings where Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine — and she recalled the name from the treatment she used on her koi fish.

Doctors are warning people not to use prescribed medication unless they are given the go ahead by a doctor.

Read more at THE NY POST.



  1. A NY Doctor shared with Hannity his Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin results.
    – 200mg 2x daily Hydroxy Chloroquine
    – 500mg 1x daily Azithromycin – 220mg 1x daily Zinc sulfate

    350 patients
    • Breathing restored 3-4 hours
    • Zero deaths
    • Zero hospitalizations
    • Zero intubations”

    Note that the chloroquine dosage he used is lower than that for malaria – a bonus.
    Note the use of zinc sulfate, possibly following
    and (PDF)
    i.e., the chloroquin allows zinc ions to enter the otherwise-impermeable cell wall where the ions can halt the RNA viral replication process.

  2. Trump should just SHUT UP, & listen with BOTH ears, to what the medical experts are saying & advising. Trump does not have a clue when it comes to medical practice & therapeutics. Instead, he should follow the example of Governor Andrew Cuomo, & focus on reassuring the average citizen in the street, in these ‘trying times’. For once, let him become a leader, & unify the country, instead of being divisive & disseminating false information.
    What the country is experiencing now, can be compared to Charles Dickens’ opening statement in his book, “A Tale of Two Cities”; namely: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…..”.
    So, ‘Go Do’, Mr. President, to what you were elected to do. And, hope to be re-elected.

    • What nerve to talk with such chutzpah to the first legally elected president. Shame on you! FYI President Trump knows what he’s talking about and also knows how to cure many other diseases, including cancer which doctors are hiding from the public. President Trump will release it very soon be’ez”H, once the swamp – who are holding him back from releasing it to the public – will be drained.


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