Man Vaccinates Himself Against COVID 10 Times

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A New Zealand man went on an “unbelievably selfish” quest to get 10 COVID-19 vaccine doses, the New Zealand Herald reported, and was likely being paid by others to get jabs on their behalf. The man allegedly traveled to multiple vaccination clinics across the country, though he is unlikely to face serious health consequences from the deca-doses. Instead, he’ll likely face more severe side effects. “We know that people have in error been given the whole five doses in a vial instead of it being diluted, we know that has happened overseas, and we know with other vaccines errors have occurred and there has been no long-term problems,” said vaccinologist Helen Petousis-Harris, who blasted the move as “unbelievably selfish.”

The country’s ministry of health said it was investigating. “We are very concerned about this situation and are working with the appropriate agencies,” Astrid Koornneef, the head of the COVID-19 vaccine response, said. Read more at the New Zealand Herald.



  1. On Saturday 20 November, the Chief Nurse of the University Medical Center, Ljubljana Clinical Center who deals with the administration of vaccine vials and manages everything, quit her job, went in front of TV cameras and took out vaccine bottles. She showed the gathered journalists the codes on the bottles, each with the final number 1, 2, or 3 in the code, and then explained the meaning of these numbers:

    Number 1 is placebo, saline.
    Number 2 is the classic mRNA “vaccine”
    Number 3 is an RNA stick containing the ONC gene, related to adenovirus, which contributes, among other things, to the development of cancer.


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