Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) delivered a hammer blow to President Joe Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better spending package Sunday, announcing on Fox News that he couldn’t vote for it because he thinks it’s too expensive. However, according to HuffPost, Manchin was heard in Congress discussing another problem he has with Biden’s domestic spending plan—that it would give low-income parents money that they might waste on drugs.
Two unnamed sources said to be familiar with the alleged comments told the site that the senator was heard speculating that parents might buy drugs with monthly child tax credit payments instead of providing for their kids. He is also reported to have said that Americans might fake an illness to claim paid sick leave to go on hunting trips. According to HuffPost, Manchin’s purported comments “shocked several senators.” His office declined to comment on HuffPost’s report. Read more at HuffPost.
The dem senators are “shocked, shocked”.
Tf they hear something they don’t like, their gut reaction is to scream “racist”
This time around the were so “shocked” they forgot to scream “racist”.
What? Are you calling a democrat West Virginian a racist???
Two unnamed sources said to be familiar with the alleged comments told the site that the senator was heard speculating that parents might buy drugs with monthly child tax credit payments
You just can’t get a more reliable source of information than two (1) unnamed sources (2)said to be familiar with the (3)alleged comments told the site that the senator was heard (4)speculating that parents (5)might buy drugs with monthly child tax credit payments
Wow! The Democrats are really mad at Manchin. These type of anonymous sourced claims/accusations were usually reserved for Trump and other Republicans in the media . This is the first time I’m seeing a Democrat having such “news” coverage
They overheard this after injecting themselves with bleach after suffering from trump syndrome.