Israel extended the closure on crossings with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip until Monday as its security forces continued to search for two Palestinians who carried out a terror attack in Elad on Thursday, murdering three Yidden and injuring others.
The shutdown only applies to Palestinians. Checkpoints used by Israelis and foreign nationals to enter and exit the West Bank will remain open as usual.
The suspects are Asad Yousef Asad al-Rifai, 19, and Subhi Emad Subhi Abu Shqeir, 20.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Thus has been going on for a long time. What is the current government doing about this ?
10’s of Jews have been killed. What are you guys in the Kanesset doing about. How distructive. How embarrassing how shamef what the Israeli government is doing.
The Shin-Daled will not bother searching for the terrorists when they’re preoccupied with their bigger enemies – the chareidim in Meron. There’s a purpose for their murder of 45 chareidim last year. They wouldn’t leave go of their control of Meron.