Masks Mandatory For Students, Staff At Schools Throughout New York, Hochul Says

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Newly installed Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday mandated masks for students and staff at schools throughout New York State, and also ordered mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for staff, or an option of weekly testing.

Hochul said the moves were necessary to help bring under control the surging delta variant. “None of us want a rerun of last year’s horrors with COVID-19,” she said.

“I’m immediately directing the Department of Health to institute universal masking for anyone entering our schools,” Hochul said.

While New York has made some progress in the fight against COVID-19, she said, “too many are yet not vaccinated, putting themselves and their communities at risk.”

Hochul said she made the move on vaccinations after months of consulting parents, elected officials, teachers, school boards and school superintendents.

Read more at Newsday.



  1. Evil woman.
    What kind of masks? The standard disposable blue mask do not prevent any illness or disease from spreading. The CDC themselves give that disclaimer. So what is the point of forcing innocent gullible children to wear a mask? Just for show??? To control people? To strip decent taxpayers of their freedoms? This evil Governor might as well demand every child wear a wrist band or hair barrette. Just like the mask, it does absolutely NOTHING to prevent the spread of Covid!!!

  2. Schools need to lock front doors and keep inspectors out. Inspectors should ring the doorbell and wait until the children and staff are ready to perform for a few seconds with masks.
    And the same goes for shuls. Inspectors and police have no right entering without permission.

  3. I sent this email to the new New York governor. I encourage others to write their own. With enough backlash, perhaps this gezeira ra can be reversed. Thank you.

    Honorable Governor,

    I usually don’t send emails like this, but I was brought to tears upon hearing that masks were being mandated for school age children.

    I have special needs children and young children who do not do well with masks, and certainly not for a full school day. When masked, their focus on learning is severely limited, social development is inhibited, and a culture of fear is created for them. Also, it is very hard for them to breathe with it on.

    As a teacher this past year, I have seen that much of the year was spent constantly reminding children to keep their masks on, and even with the arguments, most children did not wear it properly for most of the day. This also negatively impacted on the teacher-student relationship and hampered our ability to properly discipline in other areas as well.

    My review of studies has shown that the risk of COVID for children is very low. Thanks to your previous involvement in the governing of our state, all adults can easily vaccinate, which greatly reduces their risk of hospitalization/fatality from COVID. This, to me, appears to indicate that putting children through hours of masking causes great unnecessary detriment to them.

    I have also read that many countries have stopped the practice of masking children for hours at end and have not seen any upticks in cases. Furthermore, the Delta variant, despite its virulence, has shown lower percentages of hospitalizations and deaths than the previous strains. All in all, it seems like masks for all children could really do more harm than good.

    Thank you for considering what is in our children’s best interest.


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