Rav Tzvi Kushlevsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Kinyan Chochma and Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah in Yerushalayim, became a widower at the age of 82, not meriting children with his first wife. Six years ago, Rav Kushelevsky remarried; his second wife was then around 50 years old.
This morning, Rav Kushelevsky, at the age of 88, and his rebbetzin celebrated the birth of their firstborn son.
Dancing broke out in the streets of Yerushalayim around Rav Kushelefsky’s yeshivos.
Rav Kushelevsky’s first wife, Sarah Leah, was a daughter of Rav Leib Gurwicz zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Gateshead Yeshiva. She passed away at the age of 77.
Rav Kushelevsky then married Mrs. Rochel Daniella from the United States, who was 50 years old at the time and a mother to several children.
The wedding took place on a Friday, the 15th of Av, at Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah, with the participation of a hundred people, just a week after the shidduch was made. Rav Moshe Shternbuch was the mesader kiddushin.
Now, the rosh yeshiva, has experienced the miracle of fatherhood at age 88. When his son celebrates his bar mitzvah, be’ezras Hashem, the rosh yeshiva will be 101 years old.
The birth took place this morning at Hadassah Medical Center in Yerushalayim, and the baby was born healthy, with no complications, boruch Hashem.

Please remove this sentence “When his son celebrates his bar mitzvah, be’ezras Hashem, the rosh yeshiva will be 101 years old”
Extremely distastefull.
I was thinking about it, but how about this: He B”ZH WILL be!!!
MAZEL TOV.. may he see lots of nachas
How will a father in his 90s have the energy to raise a child?
Brutal Truth? Maybe brutal Apikores.
The same One who gave him the child will give him the strength. Pashut.
As men lebt, derlebt men.
If anyone knows why he is wearing tefillin visiting his son in the hospital, please let me know. Does he wear tefillin all day, or was this a special occasion?
I’m told he wears tefillin throughout the day.
It’s also remarkable how few observant Yidn do not terminate or evade their marriage, because of childlesness. That is a great Khizuk too.
Interesting anecdote:
According to our calendar, The Bar Mitzva will be on 1 Nissan as it will not be a leap year.
Doesn’t a bris come before a bar mitzva? Why are you planning the bar mitzva before the child’s bris!
Y can’t we all just express something positive about the nissim of hashem does anyone thing they are pleasing hashem with foolish opinions and comments?