Matzav Inbox: The Vital Missing Element in Parnassah Discussions: Bitachon

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Dear Matzav Inbox,

I had the privilege of attending the H3 Business Halacha Summit in Chicago yesterday and this morning, and I must say, it was nothing short of amazing and inspiring. The summit brought together a group of brilliant minds, business professionals, and rabbonim, all united by the common goal of exploring the intersection of business and halacha – and hashkafah. The wealth of knowledge shared was truly eye-opening.

Amidst all the insightful discussions and teachings, one crucial topic was brought to the fore: bitachon.

What is eye-opening is that while bitachon was discussed there in Chicago, it doesn’t seem to be discussed enough in business offices, in boardrooms, in conference rooms and coffee rooms across our frum business community.

Bitachon is everything. It is the very foundation upon which our entire approach to parnassah should be built. Without bitachon, we are left adrift, uncertain, and vulnerable. In a world where people are constantly chasing financial success, security, and wealth, it is easy to forget that our ultimate Provider is not the business we own, the investments we make, or even the hard work we put in—it is Hashem, who alone determines our sustenance.

How many times have we heard about the practical, legal, and strategic aspects of parnassah—what’s permitted and what’s forbidden in business, the best practices for financial growth, and the paths to professional success? And yet, how often do we hear the conversation steered back to bitachon? How often are we reminded that without absolute trust in Hashem, all the strategies and plans in the world will amount to nothing? How often are we taught to cultivate a mindset of relying on Hashem’s providence, even as we make our best efforts?

We are taught time and again that while we are meant to do our hishtadlus, we must never lose sight of the fact that it is Hashem who is the ultimate Provider.

It struck me during the summit that so much of the conversation about parnassah today seems to overlook the essential concept of bitachon. We hear about business models, marketing strategies, and investment techniques, but how often is it stressed that parnassah ultimately comes from Hashem, regardless of how hard we work or how smart we think we are?

How often do we hear about the importance of strengthening our emunah and bitachon, especially in the business world where the pressures of competition, success, and failure loom large?

Bitachon doesn’t just help us during times of financial hardship or uncertainty; it is meant to be the guiding principle in all aspects of our business dealings. If we rely solely on our own efforts and view our success as the result of our intelligence, hard work, or timing, then we’ve missed the point. If we do not internalize the idea that all our efforts are meaningless without the blessing of Hashem, then we are on shaky ground.

Bitachon is not a passive exercise in waiting for money to fall into our laps. It is an active, daily reminder that we must continue to strive and exert ourselves in our work, but always with the understanding that it is Hashem who controls the outcome.

There are countless halachic discussions and hashkafic teachings that delve deeply into various aspects of parnassah, and they are undeniably important. However, I have come to realize that without a solid foundation of bitachon, all these teachings are ultimately incomplete. We cannot talk about parnassah, whether from a halachic or hashkafic perspective, without recognizing the crucial importance of bitachon. It should be the first thing we teach our children, the core message we communicate to our colleagues, and the mindset we carry into every business meeting. Without it, we risk falling into the trap of thinking that our success is entirely within our control, and that mindset can be a dangerous one. It leads to anxiety, stress, and a false sense of security—none of which have any place in the life of a Torah Jew.

If we can internalize this truth and make bitachon the cornerstone of our approach to parnassah, it will transform our lives. It will help us navigate the ups and downs of business with confidence and serenity. It will allow us to make decisions with clarity, knowing that, while we must do our part, it is Hashem who will determine the results. Most importantly, it will help us remain grounded, even in moments of financial uncertainty or success, because we will never lose sight of the fact that it is Hashem who holds the keys to our sustenance.

It is time we bring bitachon to the forefront of these discussions and recognize it as the foundational principle upon which all our efforts should rest.

Name Withheld 

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  1. Most people dont understand Bitachon and i wonder why the writer didnt explain it…
    Bitachon is not sitting around and waiting for help.
    Bitachon is not keep doing your regular job and expect a huge raise (because you are doing it in passive way).
    Bitachon means taking action, even if it doesn’t seem entirely logical, as long as there’s a small chance it could help. It reflects trust in Hashem, believing that He will see your effort and provide help, possibly through other means.

  2. This is absolutely 100% Emes and I wish this would be discussed more extensively by the Hamon Am. There is no need to shy away from this grounded, Emesdig Hashkafa. In fact it should be promoted on every frum platform and forum. If anyone feels that they need a healthy dose of the Hashkafa of Emuna and Bitachon I highly recommend R’ Yisroel Brog’s Shiurim on Torah Anytime, among the other hundreds of wonderful Maggidei Shiur and thousands of wonderful shiurim.

  3. Please define bitachon. When a word is misused, it becomes ambiguous or an undefined concept. Which leads to: “Since when is an undefined word or concept relevant?”

    More to consider is: once bitachon becomes fantastical, does it become the stuff that are ‘only for tzadikim’?

  4. The true segulah of Parshas Hamohn is unrelated to any specific day of the year (like the gimmel beshalach hoax) or the uttering of the words as a ritual. It is the minimum degree of recognition that Klal Yisroel were promised that they would receive their sustenance daily from Hashem. When the inaction that was part of being in the midbor, save the need to go and gather the mohn, was unfailing deliverance of their daily food, and was modified upon entrance to Eretz Yisroel by the need to till the soil, plant, and harvest, the parnosoh guarantee remained insured. That recognition is the segulah of Parshas Hamohn. The original takonoh, as referenced in the first siman of Mishna Berura, was to recite it daily, is to hammer home the message of HKB”H’s commitment to us.

    That is the bitachon that we are to have, and this is a manner to achieve it. Ritualizing it into a pay-for-play scheme is not a segulah, and is actually a bigger problem than it is as a segulah.

    Now, if you will send me a large donation, I will recite for you.

  5. The Satmar Rebbe R’ Yoel zt”l said that to say Parshas Hamon on Tues Parshas Beshalach is a segulah for parnassah until 9:00 am after which you should go to work.

    • That’s not accurate. Reb Yoelish ZT”L never spoke about Tuesday Beshalach. He addressed the minhag to recite it daily, the only segulah that has a reputable source. And he said 8:59.


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