Matzav Inbox: You Covered the Kinnus Hashluchim. Why Do They Ignore Us?

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Dear Matzav Inbox,

I am writing to express my gratitude for the extensive coverage that has given to the Chabad Kinnus Hashluchim and other events related to the Chabad community. It is heartwarming to see such dedicated reporting and broadcasting, especially when it comes to highlighting the meaningful work that Chabad Shluchim are doing around the world. The commitment to promoting and celebrating these incredible individuals and their missions is commendable and deeply appreciated by the wider Jewish community.

However, I must ask a question that has been on my mind for some time. While and other Litvishe and Chassidishe platforms regularly cover Chabad events, such as the Kinnus Hashluchim, it seems that on Chabad platforms, there is very little, if any, coverage of major events within the rest of Klal Yisroel. For example, we rarely, if ever, hear about monumental gatherings like the Adirei Hatorah event, the Agudah Convention, Torah Umesorah conferences, or even the yahrtzeits of gedolim such as Rav Moshe Feinstein, the Satmar Rov, or Rav Aharon Kotler. It often feels as though there is no recognition, coverage, or acknowledgment of any community or event outside of Chabad.

This situation raises a question of unity within Klal Yisroel. While it is completely understandable for Chabad platforms to celebrate and report on Chabad-specific events, one cannot help but wonder why such significant gatherings, teachings, and milestones from other segments of the Torah world receive no attention at all. The absence of coverage for such important matters on Chabad media platforms creates the impression that no other community, no other event, no other Torah leader exists.

The reality is that we all share the same mission and are part of the same Klal Yisroel. A more balanced and inclusive approach to media coverage could go a long way in fostering unity and mutual respect between all parts of our diverse and vibrant community.

Once again, I want to thank you for all the positive work you do, but I hope that going forward, we can see a more comprehensive and inclusive approach from the Chabad community to the coverage of Torah events across all communities.

A Former Brooklynite

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  1. Sadly I think the answer is quite obvious in the Chabad worldview, if you are not Chabad, you need to be mekurav to their way. Other ways are not considered legitimate.

  2. It’s pashut.. two or three sites carry their very own brand names so it signifies their goal and target audience. They have so much news to cover within their own circles that they trust their readership to follow matzav for non related Chabad events…

  3. You don’t want to see what kind of comments their website would trigger if they’d post the yahrtziet of Rav Ahron Kotler zt”l.

  4. Chabad live in their own little bubble. To them noone really exists other than the Chabad dynasty. If you showed a Chabad 13 year old kid a picture of Rav Shmuel Kaminestky he would have no clue who it is. Same goes for Satmar and other sects. To be fair how many Litvishe yeshivos allow chabad seforim in their yeshivos? All very well to broadcast a kinnus but in reality the litvaks have their mehalech and chabad have theirs

  5. You can’t compare, a media platform that covers all news, to a private platform dedicated to a specific chassidus, like Chabad. Other chassidus will only cover their own beliefs as well. What’s so hard to understand about that?

  6. The announcer at the Shluchim picture-taking said it all: “Please help us make a קידוש שם ליובאוויטש”. He repeated it in English and Hebrew…

      • Sure. See the announcement right before the picture taking. I usually look on with a good eye and enjoy the קידוש שם שמים while ignoring some of the stupidity, but this was too much.

        • I think you’re misunderstanding their point. They mean it as a way of saying to present Chabad in a positive way for the world to say. Obviously in addition to making a kiddush Hashem.
          I’ve heard Breslovers saying to make a kiddush rabbeinu.
          I would think it has to do with these two groups always being ridiculed and maligned.

        • Wo. Amazing. 45+ minutes into a video, a few clowns scream some nonsense. That to you equals an entire international Kehila of millions? I know hundreds personally that would disagree with those clowns, publicly.

  7. Same reason Chabad droshos never quote any gedoilim or other Rebbes while Chassidim , Litvish, Rebbes and gedoilim quote Bal Hatanya and Rebbe RASHAB . Same reason Chabad only sings Chabad Songs…and never any other Jewish songs while Klal Yisroel sings Chabad songs in thier regular mix ….whats the reason ..I dont …know…must be inter-twined

    • When was the last time you attended a Simcha with chabad or in crown heights. I have many relatives that are chabad and they have all types of music playing at their simchos. I know of someone that has learned through the entire Avi Ezri of Rav Shach ZATZAL. Stick to reality not just some publicity stunt for facts.

  8. I think the answer is simple. Even without us saying one word, they know we don’t hold of many of their approaches. Sure we praise their work and thank them for Kosher food in Wyoming but, would any of us send OUR children to Wyoming ? Would any of us ask our children to go to Manhattan and ask random strangers if they wish to don tefillin ? Would you send your son Bein HaZmanim to Hawaii to stop people on the street and ask them if they wish to light Shabbos candles ? No, you would not. In fact, you DO not, and neither do I. And Chabad knows this and sees this & therefore your conventions and yuhrtzeits don’t rate as newsworthy in their eyes. Hatzlocha Rabbah to all of Klal Yisroel.

    • I certainly would want my children to go to Wyoming if they had a clear opportunity of Harbotzas Torah there. But why is that relevant. Is a groups only value based if they do outreach? And even if it were why does Chabad never mention non Chabad oriented Kiruv figures and initiatives?

    • Who says they pay for it? They get free advertising by presenting their PR as “news”. When did you see Lubavitch stuff labeled as advertising??

  9. You nailed it on the head.
    I have heard from gedolim, from those who were almost in their clutches that they give 0 respect or credibility to anyone outside chabad.

    • I agree, and I know some people who are Chabad that do care about the rest of the Torah world…If only the friends of mine were the majority of them.

  10. It’s very simple. Chabad believe that they are the authentic version of Yiddishkeit/Chasidus. Nothing else and no one else is important. The חפץ חיים and ר׳ חיים עוזר are maximum Ehrlich Yidden that Nebach missed the boat. This type of אחדות mentality is off course going to bring משיח!!!

  11. I once heard that Rayatz after he came to NY paid a courtesy visit to Rav Yitshak Huttner in Yeshivat Chaim Berlin. He noticed the pictures of Gedolei Yisrael in his office : The Haffetz Haim, The Or Sameach, Rav Chaim Brisker etc. and then asked Rav Huttner why the Rebbes of Chabad are not displayed too. Rav Huttner replied when I come to your office and find these portraits then I’ll also put up pictures of the Rebbes of Chabad in my office too.

  12. It’s nice to find chesronos by other people but its more beneficial ( and a lot nicer) to find and point out other people’s maalos and focus on your own chesronos. Yes, there might be many, many problems in and with Chabad but that is their personal business not ours. Even if you are correct, this letter should be on a Chabad website or publication not a ‘Misnagdishe’* sight. No one appreciates complaints from their opposition /misnagdim,

      • Really? When was the last time some random Chabad Shliach knocked on your door for financial support? I have Meshulachim and Shnorrors from Eretz Yisroel claiming to be broke at my door daily. Then they eat out in restaurants I couldn’t afford on my best day. Don’t make believe you’re so innocent and don’t get fooled by crazy people daily. No Chabad shnorror has knocked on your door.

        • This is why when I was not able to be financially sound, I decided to eat the least amount of food and just have a small homemade_meal.

  13. My father was a Lubavitcher bochur back in the 1950s. B’H, B’H he started to feel uncomfortable in Chabad because of the way their then leader completely ignored other groups and their manhigim. This discomfort caused him to leave. Otherwise today I might be wearing a Yechi Yarmulka and thinking of a person in terms of atzmius u’mahus R’L

  14. The Chabad PR machine is probably paying to be featured everywhere. If the Agudah convention were to pay some Chabad oriented sites to live stream I’m unconvinced their offer would be declined. On the flip side I doubt Aguda would make such an offer because it offers Chabad too much legitimacy

  15. You want to know why they ignore you? Well, if you recognize their late leader as Messiah, and/or visit his tomb, then they will cover you. ;-D

  16. The way I look at it, is every sect and brand in yiddishkeit and דרך בעבודת ה’ has it’s special type of יצר הרע. This cannot be avoided since we’re in a very dark גלות. – The Yerushalmi’s have their own, and the Litvish have theirs as well. So Chabbad which surely has lots of זכויות, and surely have their unique way in עבודת ה’ – so this is their special challenge with their יצר הרע. The good ones win, and the shallow ones fall in his trap, just like all of us in our type of יצר הרע.

  17. Thank you, Serendipity. While any chassidus must definitely share their mesorah, stories, no damage can be had from learning other seforim or recognizing other gedolim. Satmar learns all seforim, so does Ger, and so does every other chassidus, but this is not the case here which is unfortunate. Limud Hatorah is the greatest mitzvah, and limiting it makes can chas veshalom lead to ignorance, and worse yet, breaches in halachah (speak to Rabbonim for more on this). Conversely, we can gain from them a happiness in Yiddishkeit, especially in regard to teaching children the simcha of performing mitzvos. In short, if we will all be willing to see the advantages of each other, even while staying in our lanes, there will be many more happy bnei Torah from all kreizin. Some food for thought.

  18. I’m not sure why this is even a question.
    Chabad websites cover Chabad issues and one shouldn’t expect them to discuss events unrelated to Chabad.
    In the same vein, if there were a Lakewood news site that covered the Kinnus, I would understand why one would find it out of place, as a Lakewood news site should cover Lakewood news
    Matzav, on the other hand covers all Jewish news and would have Adirei Hatorah, the Agudah Convention and the Kinnus Hashluchim.

    • This reminds me of rav Uri Zohars book: We Have Been Robbed, by not being exposed to the beauty of yiddishkeit secular Jews should feel robbed. So too any frum Jew who shields his children and community from the beauty of yiddishkeit is robbing

  19. It really is amazing how times have changed in the last 40 years.
    When we were זוכה to have מרן הרב שך זצ”ל around, there was clarity by every בן תורה how Chabad was out of the fold. Except for ר’ משה זצ”ל every gadol from the Brisker Rov straight down understood how they have veered from the path in torah learning and especially השקפה with ר’ שך pointing out the multitudes of כפירה ומינות in what the Rebbe himself writes and included his father in law in the mix as is evident from his letters. (Even Reb Moshe told an acquaintance of mine who told me that he is too פארמישיד with his חסידישע מעשים……but I suppose he tried to me מקרב him etc.)
    That’s why I stand back now and read all the comments on this site (and others as well) how chabad is so great when they are stuck in the airport or for a minyan etc. All true, and they are super nice people but that doesn’t change the מסורה that ALL גדולי ישראל have said for decades about them…..very sad indeed.

  20. You write “The reality is that we all share the same mission and are part of the same Klal Yisroel”,
    Although we are part of the same Klal Yisroel by virtue of the fact that our grandparents were are by Har Sinay, I am not sure that we all share the same mission. The Chametz Chaim told the Ponevezh Rov that they don’t want harbotzas hatorah…

  21. Chabad’s isolation from the mainstream Orthodox world is a result of their own actions, which culminated in the insanity that took place 30 years ago, when the Rebbe died and when a large portion of them promulgated viewpoints of open heresy r”l, which more closely resembles Christianity and continues to this day. It was then condemned by practically all of the gedolim. Chabad knows how they are viewed in Yeshivah circles and therefore react accordingly. By the way, it is only a recent phenomenon that Chabad is even mentioned in news-sites representing traditional Yeshivah circles. Chabad’s steep decline is real shame, given that in the past they had some of the greatest Rebbes.

  22. I’m a Lubavitcher,
    COL try to stick to cover only Lubavs inner community news,
    For exa. It won’t publish an article about Hunters pardon or what Jill says about it
    Or the excessive coverage of trump
    or the way Matzav covers the hostage saga etc. (Chas Vsholom to compare her or any other worldly event to the holy events taking place in the litvishe community)

    • Shidduch crisis is man made. Stop the resume nonsense and all other matters which prevent shidduchim.
      Use the good old fashion way where friends know friends. Look at the person . Get to know the person. Everything else is in the hands of Hashem.

  23. This week’s FTJT and Jewish Vues extensively covered the Kinnus Hashluchim. Rabbi Moshe Hauer from the OU wrote a long letter to the Jewish Vues describing Chabad as the greatest force in Judaism today. You will never find anyone associated with Chabad even acknowledging the existence of any outside Jew unless it’s to praise them for supporting Chabad. This is reality.


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