MATZAV ISRAEL TRAVEL UPDATE: New Requirements for Entering USA, Challenging for Shomrei Shabbos

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Throughout the Covid era, passengers traveling to the United States have been required to present a negative Covid test. Until recently, these tests may have been performed as early as three days prior to flights.

On November 8, the United States changed the guidelines. Non-vaccinated travelers became required to present results of Covid tests taken within one calendar day of departure. Vaccinated travelers continued to be allowed to present tests taken within three calendar days.

Now, the CDC has announced changes to these rules. Beginning Monday, December 6, all travelers, regardless of vaccination status, will be required to present Covid results taken within one calendar day of travel. The new rules will take effect at 12:01 AM EST on Monday, December 6. Hence, travelers flying out of Israel on Sunday evening will not be subject to the new rules.

The new rules, Chaim V’Chessed tells, will potentially pose challenges for Shabbs-observing travelers departing Israel on late Motzoei Shabbos flights. Travelers on flights departing before midnight on Motzoei Shabbos will be able to test as early as 12AM on Friday morning. However, travelers on flights departing after midnight, between Saturday and Sunday, will only be allowed to present tests performed on Saturday. Chaim V’Chessed is in dialogue with airlines, in an effort to move flights up to before midnight.

Regardless, the problem may be alleviated by the fact that the US does accept antigen tests for inbound travel. These are generally cheaper, and results are provided quickly, and could be taken on Motzoei Shabbos. Bear in mind that non vaccinated/recovered travelers are required, by Israeli law, to present a negative PCR test, taken within 72 hours of departure. Hence, those travelers may need a PCR taken earlier, plus an antigen test taken after Shabbos.



  1. These challenges are nothing new for we folks who traveled this past Tishri, when every 2nd day was either Schabbos or Yom-Tov, so already then grappling with Corona testing within 3 days of departure, as well as 2 days after arrival.

  2. When leaving from Israel on Motzaei Shabbos, you have to find out from your rav if you are allowed to even take the test on Friday since it will be run on Shabbos by jews. I had that problem with a flight I was supposed to take the day after Shavuos from Israel. The only way to take the PCR test was to do it erev shavuos. Ultimately my flight was canceled because of the rockets at the time, but it was an issue we discussed with our rav and it wasn’t so simple.

  3. eventually, no flights will be allowed, and they will accomplish their ultimate goal:to disconnect us from eretz yisrael


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