Yesterday, Matzav.com reported that Rav Yechezkel Roth, the Karlsburger Rov, after returning home from Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY, following a heart attack, was mekadeish his wife anew when he was released from the hospital on Erev Pesach, explaining that he had a halachic chashash based on the fact that he had been in critical condition.
Since Matzav.com’s initial report, some have taken the liberty of calling the story a “hoax” or a “fallacy” and casting aspersions, claiming that members of the Karlburger Bais Din and perhaps others said that the story never happened.
Matzav.com’s reporter, before publishing the story, personally spoke to the Roth family members, who confirmed that it was 100% accurate, as first reported by Matzav.com. Following attacks on Matzav‘s report today, it was again confirmed as being accurate, just as Matzav reported it.
Claims to the contrary are unfounded.
All are asked to say Tehillim for the complete recovery of Rav Roth, Rav Yechezkel ben Yehudis.
{G. Sitrit-Matzav.com}
Can anyone making a claim as to wether the story happened or not, please say the NAME of your source? Thank you
Whether the story happened or not, where is this trumas hadeshen located
psakim uksavim 102