On Thursday, a medical report submitted to the Military Court in Beid Lid suggested that the injury a Palestinian terrorist suffered was self-inflicted, and not a result of external forces such as abuse by IDF soldiers.
The medical report was authored by Prof. Alon Pikarsky, head of the Department of General Surgery at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Yerushalayim.
Five IDF reservists are currently detained over allegations of severely abusing a terrorist at the Sde Teiman detention facility. The terrorist was hospitalized for his wounds, which sparked suspicion of the reservists guarding him. However this new report suggests there was no trauma found upon arriving at the hospital, and that a CT scan found no signs of trauma. The terrorist also underwent a surgery including a manual inspection of the affected area, which also did not find any signs of trauma. This indicates that the injury suffered was self-inflicted, since severe abuse would have left clear signs. Prof. Pikarsky concluded that the medical evidence suggests a self-inflicted injury.
The arrest of the reservists by masked policeman in a surprise raid on the Sde Teiman detention facility sparked outrage among the Israeli public. Large crowds protested at the facility, and many protesters stormed their way inside.
Prosecute regardless!
Who needs factual evidence! The left has already convinced the jury of their guilt! The abhorrent military court has seen fit to detain these poor innocent soldiers additional time because that’s what the left wants.