Meron Lag Ba’omer Disaster Inquiry Urges Limits on Visitors, Food

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A state inquiry into a crush that killed 45 people, including Americans and Canadians, at the kever of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron on Lag Ba’omer recommended today that future admissions be capped and gathering streamlined in order to prevent overcrowding, Ynet reports.

The panel, headed by a former Supreme Court chief justice, submitted interim findings designed to help authorities better plan for next Lag Ba’omer. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual commemorations could draw as many as 200,000 people.

Tens of thousands came on Lag Ba’omer to the kever of Rashbi, which covers about 5.6 acres. When a crowd surged into a narrow tunnel, 45 men and boys were asphyxiated or trampled to death.

“The material brought before the commission and testimonies heard by it indicate that the maximal number of people that could be safely contained at the area at the same time is approximately 20,000,” the panel said in a 16-page report. While not recommending a target number, it said more space could be freed up by banning tents and pirate vendors at the site and by holding one central bonfire. It advised against allowing in food to “reduce the duration of stay (and) the danger of falling and slipping on garbage.” Read more at Ynet.

{ Israel}


  1. As with any bureaucratic “panel” they opt for heavy handedness, rather than focusing on PRACTICAL solutions.

    1. Maybe consider that there should be simultaneous Hadlakas, that will spread out the crowds.
    2. Maybe consider having Police persons that actually have a brain [Like not closing off an exit, while leaving entrance way open].


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