MINYANIM BACK IN NEW YORK: Starting Tomorrow, Religious Gatherings Up to Ten People Permitted

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Starting Thursday, religious gatherings of no more than 10 people can be held in New York State. Governor Andrew Cuomo says strict social distancing measures will be enforced and participants must wear masks.

During his briefing, Cuomo said that religious organizations would be allowed to hold parking lot and drive-in services, as long as social distancing was followed and masks were worn.

Religious gatherings of no more than 10 people are also allowed, again, as long as social distancing is followed and masks are worn.

Cuomo reiterated the importance of wearing a mask.

“If people are smart, and if people are responsible…if individuals are responsible, you will see infection rates slow,” Cuomo said. “It is amazing how effective a mask is.”


  1. Why only 10 if there’s room for more there should be more why should a shul that holds 200 people only have 10 people???!!!

  2. How do these guidelines make any sense? Shouldn’t the amount of people be determined by the size of the shul?

  3. Wow! It’s amazing what one person’s heartfelt plea can accomplish! Thank you to the person for speaking out on this important issue.

  4. (Tea Party PAC) – A New Jersey gym has had enough of Democrat Governor Chris Murphy’s tyrannical lockdown order, and have taken matters into their own hands
    And neither are local law enforcement.
    This is awesome!
    Atilis Gym co-owner Ian Smith announced quite publicly that he planned to violate Murphy’s order because, like so many small businesses around the country right now, he needs to be able to do business in order to survive.
    “We’ll see the reaction from law enforcement, we’ll see the reaction from Governor Murphy,” Smith said. “We’re here, being civilly disobedient, being peaceful, I’m running a business as I should be able to.”
    Shortly afterward, the Ballmawr police showed up, declaring that the gym violated Murphy’s shutdown order.
    Then told the large crowd of supporters to have a nice day.
    “We are and were ordered here today for everybody’s safety, we planned for the worst and hoped for the best, and it looks like that’s what he have out here today,” the officer said.
    “Normally, you’re all in violation of the executive order,” he continued. “On that note, have a good day, everybody be safe.”
    The crowd responded with a lively chant of “USA! USA!”
    What will these Democrat tyrants do if they can’t even get law enforcement on their side?

    • Of course if the same scenario were to happen at a shul or yeshiva, the story would have surely been totally different. But that’s all part of still being in golus.

    • Unfortunately, it’s t didn’t end there.

      1) They set up a camera opposite the gym. Whenever anyone leaves, the police pull them over and give them a ticket for ‘violating the order’.

      2) Today their sewage backed up exactly 45 minutes after the governor threatened them….

      It’s an important fight. But it’s not a simple one..

  5. Oregon Judge Scraps Gov. Kate Brown’s Stay-at-Home Order
    Stay-at-home orders continue to fall one by one as the American people stand up and say that enough is enough.
    Governors who maintain their insistence upon extending their orders are facing massive protests and increasing numbers of lawsuits. Americans are done having our rights infringed upon. For months, everyone has been told that staying home is designed to flatten the curve of coronavirus.
    The curve has flattened. It is time to reopen America. Elected officials who don’t understand that will have to learn the hard way, as Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) did yesterday, reports sources.
    The End of Gov. Brown’s Stay-at-Home Order
    Due to the Oregon governor’s failure to get legislative approval for her COVID-19 stay-at-home order, Judge Matthew Shirtcliff declared her order “null and void” on Monday.
    Much to the chagrin of the governor, Oregonians are now permitted to leave their homes and engage in activities, even if these activities are deemed “non-essential” by the government.
    The end of Gov. Brown’s stay-at-home order was ultimately enabled by a lawsuit that stood against her. Siding with the plaintiffs in the suit, Judge Shirtcliff determined that approval from the Oregon State Legislature would be necessary for Brown to have emergency powers lasting beyond four weeks.
    A Victory for Reopening America
    Yesterday’s ruling in Oregon is a significant victory for Americans who have been fighting to get America reopened for business. Governors cannot be allowed to endlessly extend shutdowns as Americans suffer.
    The original goals of flattening the COVID-19 infection curve and not overwhelming hospitals have been met; as a matter of fact, the coronavirus curve is so flat that hospitals are laying off healthcare people because there isn’t enough work for them.
    The defeat of Gov. Kate Brown’s stay-at-home order should be a lesson to her counterparts in other states that are considering extending their own lockdowns.

  6. At this point it’s not when will gov, open up?
    its when will they realize that we the people opened up!

    If you wake up in the morning not willing to take a risk you are DEAD already!!

    yes there is risk in driving a car, how can a building be demolished? there is so much risk.
    You just plan ahead put safeguards and do it! there is enough ways to open up safely put limits on capacity appointments in stores etc. but it needs to be done! To Revision how to live life is a decision for every human-being to decide for themselves not for government (Bill gates) decide!!

  7. Governor Gavin Newsom of California recently received a warning from the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice stating that he will need to reopen religious services. Newsom’s recent reopening plan allows several businesses to reopen in “Stage 2,” but restricts churches and other worship places from reopening until “Stage 3.”

    A statement to Newsom wrote:

    Of course we recognize the duty that you have to protect the health and safety of Californians in the face of a pandemic that is unprecedented in our lifetimes.
    Laws that do not treat religious activities equally with comparable nonreligious activities are subject to heightened scrutiny under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. … Religious gatherings may not be singled out for unequal treatment compared to other nonreligious gatherings that have the same effect on the government’s public health interest, absent the most compelling reasons.
    California has not shown why interactions in offices and studios of the entertainment industry, and in-person operations to facilitate nonessential ecommerce, are included on the [essential workforce] list as being allowed with social distancing where telework is not practical, while gatherings with social distancing for purposes of religious worship are forbidden, regardless of whether remote worship is practical or not.
    Places of worship are not permitted to hold religious worship services until Stage 3. However, in Stage 2, schools, restaurants, factories, offices, shopping malls, swap meets, and others are permitted to operate with social distancing.
    Whatever level of restrictions you adopt, these civil rights protections mandate equal treatment of persons and activities of a secular and religious nature.Time for Newsom to step down from his high horse and start reopening businesses.

  8. Amm, who died and made Culomo the king?! We have to make more than 10 bedavka (obviously while keeping safety precautions so that we don’t infect ourselves), even if it’s just 11, and in the open view, defying these illegal orders in public. Because if we don’t publicly protest, the government’s control will become an established precedent, and we could kiss goodbye the first amendment of the US Constitution.

  9. I’m sorry but “Religious services permitted “does not automatically mean “Minyanim back”. It MUST be done besechel and beseder and with pre planning. Just look what the Baltimore community printed up for guidance. The differences they are a community and New York unfortunately is not. Will be the wild West unfortunately here in New York. Terrible lack of real leadership.


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