Miracle Torah Organizers Thank Global Jewish Community

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Dear Fellow Jew. 

Thank you. Thank you for being a part of something totally unexpected yet deeply needed. Thank you for showing that Am Yisroel is really one, interconnected people; that achdus is not just words but a reality. 

Over the past nine months, the Miracle Sefer Torah has brought hundreds of thousands of Jews together from all walks of life: Chassidim and Litvish, Ashkenazim and Sephardim, religious and secular. 

The Rabbonim, Admorim, and askanim of our communities made a conscious effort to allow their participation in this Torah to be publicized, so that the Jewish world will see and take to heart that our leaders are committed to unity. 

The journey of this Torah within this dark time has reminded us that we are stronger when we are one. That Am Yisroel, when united under one Torah, can meet any challenge and overcome the darkest night of galus. 

We are deeply humbled and privileged to be able to play a small role in this accomplishment. 

This experience and its lessons will stay with us for a lifetime, and we hope that is true of you as well. 

Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy Chanukah, 

May the joy of our achdus cause our Heavenly Father to finally usher in the era of open and revealed good, the coming of Moshiach.

United for protection team; 

Zalmy Cohen 

Berel Junik 

Shloimy Greenwald



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