United Torah Judaism member of Knesset Yitzhak Pindrus said on Tuesday that a female soldier who converted to Judaism during her IDF service is a Shiksha, the derogatory term given to non-Jewish women.
Pindrus went on to say that any man who marries a woman converted by the IDF should be considered dead to his family.
The Israeli Chief Rabbinate recognized orthodox conversions carried out by the IDF for soldiers predominately from immigrant families that immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union. Tens of Thousands of Israelis have undergone conversions to Judaism during their military service.
In a panel discussion Pindrus responded to a Supreme Court ruling on Monday that conservative and reform conversions carried out in Israel must be recognized by the state.
“I will not compromise on even one shiksha or goy that will be recognized as Jewish just to be nice and pluralistic. That will not happen,” Pindus said.
Read more at Ynet.
We Yidden really have a lot of disgust for people that were born to a non-Yiddisha mother.
Shiksa is not a derogatory term. Tell a JAP that she looks like a shiksa and she will thank you. Haven’t you listened to Jackie mason!?
We call them Shiksa, a derogatory term, because they were not born to a Yiddishe mother.
The word Shegetz (Sheketz) is used for any male that does not have a Yiddishe mother.
In loshon hakodesh, the word is shekets. Shiksa is grammatically incorrect, irregardless of history of use in Yidish. Don’t you wish they taught proper loshon hakodesh in our educational institutions. Please don’t start with some idiotic “no dikduk because of tzionim” nonsense. Would you stop putting on tefilin if tzionim would start putting on tefilin every day?! Checkmate.
Dikduk is a waste of time and it makes the davening sound odd. Try singing “shir hama’alos “ before benching with proper dikduk. You’ll sound like a fool
Talk about a headline that doesn’t exactly match the story.
former Russian soldier from the IDF who became religious told me he was in a full room of mostly Russian soldiers when the IDC Manpower Major General Stern walk into the room and challenged:who among you are not Jewish
a large number raised their hands.
Said he : as far as the IDF is concerned you are Jewish
Good for him
how far we moved from the considered obvious even to secularists
Fiddler on the Roof
the main character has three daughters
the first one was characterized as simple and dutiful for marrying a simple religious Tailor
the second one was treated as heroic and adventurous
She fell for and marries the enlightened revolutionary young Jewish guy
the 3rd eventually marry a gentile.
The movie Producers had little problem showing that the father Deliberating what he ought to do but treat him decently for rejecting her totally
out of hand and any relationship with her