Agudath Israel of America has released the following Kol Korei from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah.
26 Adar I, 5782
There are hundreds of thousands of Jews in Ukraine (among them, many Orthodox Jews), who are in peril as a result of the Russian invasion into Ukraine. They face the dangers of war, as well as the danger of increasing antisemitism.
These Jews of Ukraine are in a state of fear, and in many situations without food, without shelter, without transportation, and without security from antisemitic attacks.
The Jewish Nation is one organism; when one limb of a body hurts, the whole body is in pain. Every one of us is obligated to feel the pain of our fellow Jews as if each of us would be in the same situation of being forced to leave home without preparation or bare necessities.
Therefore, we ask that all of us – living in peace – should gather in our shuls to say Tehillim for the merit of Ukranian Jews; particularly, after each tefillah to recite chapters 130, 142 and 121, followed by אחינו כל בית ישראל וכו’. We should hold the tefillos of Yom Kippur Katan this Wednesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh, 29 Adar II. The Sages say that repentance, prayer and charity remove the evil of the decree.
Along the same vein, we ask that the public donate, each to his ability, to the relief fund for the Jews of Ukraine that was established by Agudas Yisroel; millions of dollars are needed immediately to help the Jews of Ukraine.
When the Jews of previous generations donated money to support the service in the Bais HaMikdash, they specifically gave half a shekel, not a complete shekel. The commentaries say that this was so that each person feel that he is part of the one organism that is the Jewish Nation. Through this realization, may we merit the cessation of all evil decrees from amongst us and that Hashem rest His Divine Presence on us with the speedy coming of Mashiach.
Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America
I can not understand why they would specifically exclude all those Ukrainians who happen not to be Jewish. Shouldn’t we as a decent people worry for every decent Human Being?
We want peace for the world, for all good people. But those who are closer to us, like family, get special additional attention.
Go back to playing your xbox. Don’t lose any sleep over it.
Definitely yes; they certainly mean that too.
mistake 29 adar 1, not adar 2
Those horrible pictures of Ukrainian mothers holding petrified crying children not knowing what to expect, can tear up any person’s heart. So why does our leadership express a Hergesh of Rachmonos only to those who have a Yiddishe mother.
Yeh, they learned that old trick from the poor downtown Palestinian mother who’s son just blew himself to pieces, killing inoccent Jews in the process r”l.
One of the major possible catalysts for promoting more Sinas Yisroel, Chas V’Shalom, in this terrible dangerous situation is that, very tragically, significant aspects of the awful putrid thick mass of excessive corruption that has plagued and ruined Ukraine for many years — and which very many pro-Russian people are saying the Russian invasion is coming to “clean out” — has involved many Jews. There is a whole Jewish Mafia type cartel known as the “Red Mafia,” and parts of the wicked Tziyonim’s Israel Mossad has involvement there. The current leader of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, himself is Jewish. Though he campaigned with promises to get rid of the corruption, there has still been plenty of plenty of it. Even though he campaigned on promises to end the fighting with the breakaway republics, the deadly harmful attacks on them continued right up to the moment of the Russian soldiers’ entry.
So there have been many, many points that, understandably, could well cause many. many people to have severe bitterness and resentments and anger and outright hatred toward Jewish People. A horrible Chillul Hashem!!
In this last line of my remark of this situation very tragically being a “A horrible Chillul Hashem,” I must heavily stress that it means that such a Chillul Hashem, Chas V’Shalom, presents a possible terrible Sakana – a possible terrible physical danger to us Jews. Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT’L, thus vehemently exclaimed that EVERY Jewish child must be in a Yeshiva and EVERY Jewish person must be brought to follow Torah. For otherwise, (the problem of a not-following-Torah-Jew) is not only that he does not observe Shabbos or that he does not eat Kosher; rather, the problem is that he may well end up doing bad actions that, Chas V’Shalom, will be a PHYSICAL DANGER to us!!
Ukrainians are apt to murdering their own civilians to get world sympathy via their mouthpiece, mainstream media. Here’s proof:
KYIV ATTACKS CIVILIAN AREAS (Kyiv is the capital and most populous city of the country of Ukraine)
Ukranian military intensifies its artillery fire at residential areas.
Where are the signatures?
Are signatures cut off?
Where’s the link to the fund?
We absolutely must realize the severely grave further wider outright Sakana – the severely grave further wider outright danger of this terrible situation that threatens all of us throughout the world. It is that the government of Russia is making this massive invasion of Ukraine — and is loudly declaring that it is absolutely crucial for its security and the safety of the pro-Russian peoples in the eastern area of the country, which the wicked Ukraine government had been heavily attacking.
The “Western World,” led by the illegitimate government of the United States and the governments of the N.A.T.O. alliance, are viciously condemning all of Russia and blaring out threats and implications of very severe threats. So, like it openly threatened many times before, now blared out its own intensified very severe threats, as, just yesterday, it announced that its nuclear forces are now on THEIR highest state of alert.
In other words, this “local” war between Russia and Ukraine could, RACHMANA LITZLAN, easily and quickly escalate into the immensely feared conflict of full global nuclear war!! And the severely evil illegitimate government of the United States and the severely evil governments of the N.A.T.O. alliance, are trying exceedingly hard to heavily push this Russia – Ukraine crises TO ACTUALLY ESCALATE to the full conflict of full global nuclear war!!
So, we must intensively pray to Hashem and beg Him to please save us and the whole world from this horrific annihilation.