With only a few weeks left before the elections for the Israeli Chief Rabbinate, the Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah of Shas has made the decision to back the candidacy of Rav Dovid Yosef, a member of the Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah and head of Bais Medrash Yechaveh Da’as, for the position of Rishon LeTzion and Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel.
On Sunday, Rav Dovid visited the residence of the elder member of the Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah, Rav Moshe Maya, who showered him with brachos and stated that if he were part of the electing body, he would undoubtedly vote for Rav Dovid’s candidacy.
Rav Maya added that while the Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah is not formally intervening in the matter as a group, he personally supports this candidacy and remarked, “I will dance on the day that Your Honor is chosen,” expressing his excitement and offering Rav Dovid a brocha for success and siyata diShmaya.
The endorsement from Rav Maya joins the support of other Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah members, including Rav Shlomo Machpud, Rav Reuven Elbaz, and Rav Shlomo Ben Shimon, who issued letters of support for Rav Dovid, stating that he is the most deserving candidate for this position and continues the path of his father, Chacham Ovadia Yosef.
Rav Dovid, who attended Selichos last night at Yeshiva Or HaChaim, received extraordinary honor from the rosh yeshiva and fellow Moetzet Chachmei Hatorah member, Rav Reuven Elbaz, who praised him, saying, “Today we are hosting the Rishon LeTzion who continues the legacy of his father, Maran Rav Ovadia. With Hashem’s help, we will soon merit to host him at Selichos this year as the chief rabbi and Rishon LeTzion.”
{Matzav.com Israel}