‘More To Go’: Egg Prices Reach Record High With No End In Sight

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Wholesale egg prices reached a record high this week as the bird flu outbreak continues to limit supplies severely.



  1. Remember, they are not killing the ducks, seagulls, eagles or quail.
    Strangely, Bird Flu only affects chickens, cows and humans…

    The USDA Inspected General, Deep Stater Fong who defied Trump, was escorted out of her office by security and arrested for unnecessarily demanding the killing of millions of birds and inflating the prices of eggs and chicken with a fake story of a bird flu pandemic.

    • Thank You very much for your very excellent comment informing us of what is the actual situation. Yes, their real program is really not to kill chickens; their real program is to kill us!! The root of their orientation is that they are outright atheists, as they do not believe in Hashem. They do not believe that Hashem created the world and created man with a special leadership position & task in the world. Instead, they believe that some random-by-itself-process called “evolution” created the world. And that the “evolved” formation of man was a “mistake” that this evolution did, as man does not really belong here as he is really a “harm” to the world. And certainly now there are way, way, way “too many” of us humans here in the world who certainly must be eliminated.

    • One of the most effective ways to, Rachmana Litzlan, eliminate & kill us is to eliminate & kill the supply of food in the world, as when, Chas V’Shalom, there will be no sustenance around, we will all starve to death!! This, they have been doing in several ways. First, for very many years, really our whole last generation, they heavily pounded into us the thick medical propaganda that eggs & butter & milk & meat & poultry were all very “bad” for our health,* as their fat gives us high cholesterol that clogs our arteries and gives us heart attacks. [Of course, this was to get us to, of our own “voluntary” “choice,” refrain from eating these (what are really) crucially needed foods.]

    • * NOTE: Yes, this so-called “Medical” so-called “information” is just pure propaganda. Please see the excellent documentary on the subject titled “Fat Fiction”; it can be viewed on YouTube for no charge. Related there is how the key doctor who very strongly promoted this (fat bad) thingy, GROSSLY FALSIFIED the data results of a certain survey. The truth is that, on the contrary, several studies have shown that fat is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for good health.

    • Probably the most notable of these was performed over eight decades ago by a prominent dentist, Weston Andrew Valleau Price, DDS, (1870 – 1948). In the 1930’s, he and his wife traveled around the world, in which they visited communities in remote locations: Tiny hamlets nestled away in the Alps Mountains, Indian tribes in Alaska & far northern Canada, native residents of far off islands in the South Pacific Ocean. They were astounded to discover that these many peoples, whom would be considered “old fashioned” & “backwards” & “primitive,” ALL HAD EXCELLENT VIBRANT HEALTH!!

      Although, they lived in totally different geographic regions with greatly different climates and surroundings, they all had one key characteristic in common: they all consumed very high fat diets!!

      Whenever one of them would move away to live in a location of “Modern Civilization” and thus follow the (low fat) “Modern Diets,” he or she would soon be beset with all the dental & general health problems that so terribly plague our modern lives.

      In 1939, Dr. Price published his extensive scientific findings in a thoroughly documented book titled: “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”; its 2009 new expanded 8th edition can be purchased at Amazon.

    • Evidently, as more and people began learning what is the true truth about fat, the evil cabal, Yimach Shemam V’Zichram, who want to, Rachmana Litzlan, starve and kill us, realized that now they cannot leave it up to us with our own free will to choose to avoid eating meat & other fat full foods, for now it is obvious that we ARE NOT going to avoid meat & fat!! So, they realized that now they are going to have to FORCE US to not eat meat & fat. And probably the most effective way to do that is to make it that THERE IS NO MEAT & FAT around!!

      So, just recently, they began blaring out the glaringly obvious total fabrications that meat & fat are very bad because the animals (supposedly) give off gasses that (supposedly) cause “climate change”!! And not only animals, but also fowl and rice plants and even trees, all supposedly give off “something” that supposedly cause “climate change” and thus must all be eliminated!!

    • And, along with making “climate change,” they have been further even more blaring that the animals & the chickens the ducks & the geese & the turkeys & the eggs are all “diseased” & “dangerous” because they are all “infected” with “Bird Flu” & “Cird Flu” & “Dird Flu” & “Mird & “Nird Flu” & “Wird Flu” & “Zird Flu”!! And, so they must all be eliminated!!!!!!!!!

      So, throughout Holland and other countries of Europe and counties of the United States countless whole farms are being shut down and countless whole herds of cattle are being put down and countless whole flocks of chickens & ducks & geese & turkeys are being killed and countless whole egg coups are being burned to the ground.

  2. I don’t understand why we can’t use the eggs if cooking them kills the bird flu anyway. How is it different then salmonella.

  3. * NOTE: Yes, this so-called “Medical” so-called “information” is just pure propaganda. Please see the excellent documentary on the subject titled “Fat Fiction”; it can be viewed on YouTube for no charge. Related there is how the key doctor who very strongly promoted this (fat bad) thingy, GROSSLY FALSIFIED the data results of a certain survey. The truth is that, on the contrary, several studies have shown that fat is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for good health.


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