Senate Republicans, with a few exceptions, are hoping that former President Trump does not announce his intention to run again for president.
These GOP senators definitely don’t want to see Trump announce a bid before the 2022 midterm elections, fearing that could sink their hopes of winning back the Senate.
More broadly, they’re generally reluctant to see him on the ballot in 2024 at all because of his track record with independent and swing voters.
Several Republican senators, who requested anonymity to discuss Trump frankly, said they don’t want to see Trump return as the party’s standard bearer.
“I think we’re better off when he’s not part of any story,” said a Republican senator, who said his view is widely shared in the GOP conference.
“He’s a clinical narcissist. He threw away the election in the debate with Biden and he threw away the Senate out of spite,” the lawmaker added, referring to Trump’s first against Biden, which many Republican senators viewed as a disaster, and his influence on Republican voter turnout in the Georgia special election.
Read more at The Hill.
Doesn’t add up. If Trump really Was such a drag on the party they most certainly would give their names. Notice what Grassley said about Trump’s endorsement. He did Not even give a thank you. He stated that Trump’s 90+ percentage in the party is why he Had to support Trump, otherwise it would be foolish of him not to. It suggests to me he IS one of those Republicans. When Trump wanted to fire Wray, I believe it was, he stood in stark opposition and Threatened Not to hold a hearing on another nominee. Furthermore, THIS is the same Senator that backed Judge Reade.
We must question Why all those Senators are in such opposition. I believe it’s because of money they would lose. Trump wasn’t even able to get a budget for a border wall and had to use DOD funds re-allocated for the wall. WHEN has the Republican Party ever been as ambitious as Democrats in passing legislation, apart from Tax Cuts. That is Not a winning strategy for elections since a majority pay little to NO Federal Taxes. It Does help in grifting from the Chamber of Commerce.
I would like to see new candidates like Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence run for President. It’s a shame Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum we’re never given a fair chance by the GOP leadership. They were more concerned with putting a good obedient Rino like McCain and Romney to face the onslaught of the DNC controlled media. We are sick of the corrupt GOP not allowing us to win elections anymore. We don’t want Trump, Cruz, Christie, Paul, Bush, Walker, Fiorina (or any other crazy lady) Carson, etc… Identity politics doesn’t work in the Republican Party. Loeffler found out the hard way in Georgia. We don’t need any token black or female in order to win a general election. Nobody cares.
I’m sure hope Trump doesn’t run again but Biden is doing such a terrible job that if it end up as Trump vs Biden (or Harris) I will vote for Trump. Six months ago I never would have thought I would be willing to vote for Trump again. But if the alternative is Biden and co I would
A bunch of corn flakes.
A bunch of RINOs who are most likely already coronavirused.
he would rather kill the Republican party in his vanity than do seldom one selfless thing in his life
You mean like Hillary Clinton?