It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Mrs. Freeda Kahanow a”h following a lengthy illness.
Mrs. Kahanow was the wife of Rav Eliyahu Kahanow, kosh kollel of Kollel Govoha Imrai Kohain.
Mrs. Kahanow is survived by her husband, Rav Eliyahu; her children, Rivky Stolzenberg, Uri kahanow, R’ Daniel Kahanow and Tamar Stimler; and her grandchildren. She also leaves behind her siblings, Leah Shemberger, Shula Goldberg, Shoshie Cohen, Menachem Mantel, Shlomo Mantel, Eli Mantel, and Rochie Heiman.
Kevurah took place in Eretz Yisroel and shivah is being observed at 721 Avenue L in Brooklyn, NY. Shacharis is at 7:30, Minchah is at 7:00, and Maariv is at 9:00.
Video of levayah in Eretz Yisroel is available at www.midabrim.com.
Yehi zichrah boruch.
BD’E Hmokom yinaschem eschem bsoch shar avlei tzion v’yerushalim.
I have the zechus of knowing the Rosh Kollel shlita and her son Uri. Their contributions to klal yisroel will certainly be a zechus for their wife/ mother.