Muhammad, Avigail Most Popular Israeli Baby Names In 2024

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Muhammad and Avigail topped the list of the most popular names for babies in Israel over the last year, the Population and Immigration Authority announced on Tuesday.

1,740 newborn boys were given the name Muhammad, which reigns supreme as the number one boys’ name, followed by Yosef/Yousef (1,201), with Adam a close third (1,196.)

One in eight Muslim boys in Israel bears the name of the founder of Islam, down from one in six two decades ago.

Ariel was the most popular boys’ name in the Jewish community (1,013).

Avigail was the top name among girls, with 1,156 babies named after Dovid Hamelech’s wife, followed by Miriam/Mariam (1,015) and Tamar (841).

181,000 babies were born in Israel in 2024, the Population and Immigration Authority said.

About 20% of Israel’s population of 10 million are Arabs. JNS

{ Israel}


    • Why? Because so many are named after the founder of the religion of “peace”? No, that’s not what they’re saying.

      As the article notes: “One in eight Muslim boys in Israel bears the name of the founder of Islam.”
      So, since Jews use so many different names, the amount of Muslim babies named anything in particular is largely irrelevant.

  1. If every(most) Arab uses Muhammad and Jews use a variety of names. Muhammad will win the race even if Jews have ways more babies!!!


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