MURDER: Jewish Woman Shot Dead in Florida

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Sara Michelle Trost, who ran a property business in Coral Springs, Florida, has been shot dead in Florida. Trost, 40, was discovered in the driver’s seat of a vehicle suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

“Despite immediate medical treatment, the driver succumbed to her injuries on scene and was pronounced dead,” the Coral Springs Police Department said in a statement, according to Sky News.

Raymond Wesley Reese, 51, has been arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder.

Trost lived in Florida with her husband and her young daughter.

Reese was reported to be a former tenant of Trost

“There was a disgruntled tenant who was evicted,” Donna Smith, who lives in the area, told Local News 10. “He thought that the realtor, who was showing the home … was the owner of the house” when he ambushed her in her car.

Trost was involved in the local Chabad of Parkland, including accompanying members of her congregation on a trip to Israel and recently volunteering to host a Chanukah gathering at her home.



  1. Why is Matzav using the term “shot dead”?! Is that how Yidden report about other Yidden? Is this derech eretz? I thought you were better than the goyishe media?

  2. How about “shot-nifteres”? That sounds much better.
    Sad how the whole story could be lost because of the “language-wasn’t-perfect” factor.

  3. How about “shot-nifteres”? That sounds much better.
    Sad how the whole story could be lost because of the “language-wasn’t-perfect” factor.


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