The mysterious drones appearing across the tri-state area may be a calculated distraction by a foreign entity attempting to divert attention from other covert activities within the United States, according to one expert.
“These drones and this activity is too large, too well-organized to be the work of hobbyists,” said Gordon Chang, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute think tank and author of Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America, in an interview with Fox Business.
Chang speculated that the origins of these drones likely involve foreign powers, adding, “It could be Iran, it could be Iran in connection with China, but clearly, somebody is trying to absorb our attention.”
The possibility of a deeper threat concerns Chang, who warned, “The thing that really worries me is that if they’re trying to draw our attention to these drones, the question is what are they doing elsewhere in our country? So we could very well get hit.”
The strange drone activity has been reported extensively across the East Coast, particularly in New York and New Jersey, where residents have been increasingly alarmed. In New Jersey alone, more than 3,000 sightings have been recorded this month.
The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed it started receiving reports of the drone sightings on November 18, though the situation has escalated in recent weeks.
Frustration over the unexplained phenomena peaked on Shabbos, when New York Governor Kathy Hochul issued a firm statement calling for action. “This has gone too far,” she said, announcing her request for federal authorities to allow local police to shoot down drones as needed.
By Sunday, Hochul shared that federal officials had approved the deployment of a sophisticated drone detection system in New York State to assist in the ongoing investigation.
And chemtrails as well. Our beloved deep state government feels it’s a necessity to drop poison chemicals and toxins upon the taxpaying peasants.
Bill Gates was b”H dealt with but the DS/CIA are still quite powerful.
The most logical theory on the drones I came across is that these drones are not extraterrestrial’s or potential attacks from who knows whom, but they’re ours. They’re sniffers sniffing some nuclear material as the Deep State are planning a false flag on or before Trump’s inauguration.