NBC Town Hall Panned As ‘Biden Infomercial’

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NBC’s town hall featuring Joe Biden did not receive the warmest reception on Monday night.

The outdoor, televised event, which aired on both NBC and MSNBC, took place in the swing state of Florida and moderator Lester Holt told viewers that all of the Miami attendees were “undecided voters.”

Holt kicked off the town hall by asking him to react to President Trump’s departure from Walter Reed Medical Center and grilled him by asking if he was “surprised” by Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis; if he thought the president’s medical team were “forthcoming” with information about his condition and whether he “trusts” their assessment; if he had “a moment of pause, of worry” when he first heard about the diagnosis following the first presidential debate; if he would “pledge to transparency” as president regarding his own potential health issues. and if he believes Trump “bears responsibility” for contracting the coronavirus.

Then the “undecided voters” were able to speak to the former vice president one-on-one. Of the roughly eleven voters who were able to ask questions, one was described as “leaning” towards Biden, one was described as a “registered Republican” that was also “leaning” towards Biden, one was described as a former registered Republican who “voted for Hillary Clinton” and other one voted for Clinton in 2016 but he, too, according to Holt, voted for Republicans “in the past.” None of the attendees were described as a Trump voter or “leaning” towards voting for the incumbent president.

Read more at Fox News.



  1. Every time Biden dispels the Slander that is put out ny Repulicans and Conservative operative like Ben Shapiro, another explanation is dreamed up. According to Ben Shapiro Biden is comatose. Not so. According to doctored videos Biden drools and needs to be fed. not so. What is true is the ugliness of select Republican like Chris Christie.
    Christie disgustingly told Trump during debate prep:

    “People who stutter have a harder time maintaining their train of thought when interrupted. Keep interrupting him and he’ll stumble when he tries to speak. This will enforce the ‘senile’ narrative.”

  2. Donald Trump made sure to leave the hospital during Prime Time all the tv stations covered his making of his propaganda video. Biden should ask for equal time, it is not Biden’s fault that the Reality TV President is his own worse enemy.


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