Netanyahu Opposes Ben-Gvir’s Plan To Hold Prayer In Tel Aviv

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Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu expressed his disapproval last night regarding National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s plan to conduct another prayer service later this week at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, the same location where a Yom Kippur prayer service was violently disrupted by left-wing protestors on Monday.

“Prayer is not a provocation. But now, after the serious incident in Tel Aviv, the most important thing is to act to calm tensions. Therefore, all public leaders are expected to behave responsibly and avoid anything that does not add to calmness,” Netanyahu said.

In a contrasting stance, Ben-Gvir announced, “I say to those anarchists who tried to expel the worshipers on Yom Kippur – I and the members of Otzma Yehudit are coming this Thursday to the same place, to pray the evening prayer, we will see if you try to expel us as well. I call on everyone, secular and religious, traditional, Ashkenazi and Sephardic, to come, prayer is for everyone, this is the Jewish state!”

MK Simcha Rothman from the Religious Zionism party also criticized Ben-Gvir’s plan, emphasizing that while his intentions might be noble, the actions proposed could exacerbate the situation. Rothman referred to the recent violent incident during Yom Kippur and highlighted that responding to the provocation of a radical minority with a counter-provocation could intensify hatred and bolster support for extremists.

“Darkness cannot not chased away with sticks, but by adding light. The consistent action of many, traditional, religious, and secular, who strengthened their Judaism as a response to the extreme progressive violence and silencing, is the correct response. Israel will be Jewish and democratic because that is what the absolute majority of the public wants and demands,” he added.

{ Israel}


  1. The dream of Israel is not always democracy. If rest is very good for Israel, we have put our priority to sabbath.

    Up or not, the Jews deserve Torah new days. A vote by vote of perverse fortune is not freedom for the Jew.

  2. Hmm…who shall I side with…the slick coward who talks a big talk but has no guts to actually do anything, or the hot-headed radical who is calling on people to join him in militarizing Tefillah to accomplish…nothing. Just more divisiveness.


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