Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s office on Sunday strongly condemned former Sephardi chief rabbi Rav Yitzchok Yosef’s statement that even chareidi men who are not studying in yeshiva should not serve in the Israel Defense Forces.
The rabbi’s words are “unacceptable and worthy of all condemnation,” said the PMO, adding, “we will not accept expressions of insubordination from any side.”
Rav Yosef sparked outrage by saying in remarks made public on Sunday that “it is forbidden to go to the army, even for one who is idle.”
Israeli President Isaac Herzog also condemned the rav‘s comments, tweeting, “Service in the IDF is a tremendous privilege.” The military, he continued, “belongs to all of us. Any harm to it constitutes a harm to the security of the State of Israel and its citizens.”
Opposition leader Yair Lapid said that the former chief rabbi had crossed a “red line.”
“A call for draft evasion during wartime, especially from someone who once received a state salary in an official capacity, crosses a red line,” tweeted Lapid. “It endangers democracy and undermines our future.”
Earlier this year, the rav declared that if the ultra-Orthodox are forced to enlist in the military, they will leave the country to avoid doing so. JNS
{ Israel}
Natanyahu should keep his mouth shut if he is smart. He doesn’t have too many zechusim. I think he should think twice before condemning what a big talmid chacham says! Its playing with fire!
Kol hakavod to Rabbi Yitzchok Yosef. Jews worldwide are electing Rabbi Yitzchok Yosef for Prime Minister AND President of the Jewish country IMMEDIATELY until the coming of Moshiach!
The rabbi is correct. Stop turning Israel into a Sodom.
if arab citizens aren’t drafted, jews should not be drafted – this is racist discrimination. the draft should be abolished in favour of a professional army.
Netanyahu has used this war to hoodwink much of the Jewish world into forgetting he is the head of the erev rav snake.
If Israel was serious about security, they’d remove from checkpoints the young, weak female soldiers who stand guard with very long loose hair and 2-inch fake nails. Long hair flies in the face & blinding the eyes, and those nails will prevent the smooth, quick fine-motor movement necessary in a combat situation.
Also, M-16s and M-4s are HEAVY. These girls cannot possibly wield these weapons as well or as long as their male counterparts.
And these girls stand guard at checkpoints which have experienced terror attacks and are vulnerable to more, chas v’shalom.
I really do not wish to hear about drafting charedim for the sake of security or “sharing the burden” when you have these weaker girls with their blinding hair and bothersome nails standing guard where terrorists like to attack.
The army and government show time and again they are NOT serious about security.
It’s about assimilation and weakening Torah. Why else would they post these less-qualified girls to high-risk sentry duty? (Not to mention the distraction of flirting between the male and female soldiers when they’re supposed be scanning the vehicles driving by…)
P.S. I have 2 sons serving in the IDF right now.
Israel is experiencing miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle beyond all imagination.
Let the men continue learning Torah because it is only in THEIR merit that we are experiencing what we are experiencing and not the bald headed secular generals……
80% of chareidim who serve, leave the army without their religion.