New Jersey Sees Triple The Number Of New COVID-19 Cases As New York In 24 Hours

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New Jersey saw triple the number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours as compared to New York State, according to numbers announced by both states’ governors, CBS NY reports.

New Jersey had 3,457 new positive tests, bringing the statewide total to 105,523 cases, according to Gov. Phil Murphy. That compares to the 1,100 new confirmed cases mentioned by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

New Jersey lost 249 lives in the past day, bringing the coronavirus total toll to 5,863 dead.

“We can commit to defeating COVID-19 and to redoubling our efforts to stop the spread of the disease,” said Murphy. “This is up to us and us alone. The 5,863 we have lost must be our inspiration so we do not lose another 5,863. This is in our doing. We are New Jersey tough through and through.”



  1. the obvious question is , are they doing more testing? the more tests the more positive , the key number to look at is hospital admissions

    • Why bother testing? Who cares? And if they’re positive? They’ll try to get a cure from their pharmacy. Anything better than going to the hospital. Haven’t you read about the horrors of the hospitals?

      Hospital admissions is not a proof of anything anymore. Many have stopped going to hospitals no matter what. B”H for Hatzoleh who are wonderful. They’re helping the sick as much as possible so that they shouldn’t have to be taken to the hospital and get murdered.

    • 10,000 a day is not from coronavirus sickness and injuries but from arrests and executions which are also called coronavirus.


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