NEW PROPOSAL: Olmert Signed With Arafat’s Nephew On the “Division of Yerushalayim”

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Ehud Olmert, Israel’s former Prime Minister, recently signed a proposal with Nasser al-Qidwa, a nephew of the notorious Yasser Arafat and a former official of the Palestinian Authority in charge of foreign affairs. According to Palestinian affairs expert Ehud Yaari, this proposal outlines a potential agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

The proposed agreement would pave the way for the creation of a Palestinian state using the 1967 borders as a foundation. It includes the annexation of 4.4% of Judea and Samaria to Israel, with the Palestinian state receiving a comparable area in return. This swap would also incorporate a passage linking Gaza to Judea and Samaria.

As outlined in the proposal, once the IDF withdraws, the Gaza Strip would come under the governance of a Palestinian administration made up of technocrats rather than political figures.

The Palestinians would formally acknowledge the new Jewish neighborhoods in Yerushalayim as part of Israel, while the Arab neighborhoods that were outside Yerushalayim’s municipal borders before 1967 would become part of the Palestinian capital within Yerushalayim.

A trustee board, with members from five countries, including Israel and Palestine, would be responsible for overseeing the Old City. The UN Security Council would determine the board’s authority. Furthermore, the parties would enter negotiations concerning the future of Israeli settlements and their inhabitants, along with the refugee issue. The potential deployment of an international force along the Jordan River would also be considered.

{ Israel}


    • Shlomo Hamelech says in Koheles 10:2 “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool is to the left.”

  1. Can someone explain this. Last time we heard from him, he was in prison, now he’s unilateral signing agreements for the entire Israel.

  2. Israel really needs to enact some form of the Logan Act like the US has, that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized (American) citizen. The main target of the law is former politicians and other such opportunists who can cause major damage by these “deals”.

  3. Jordan is the Palestinian state ,taking up 77% of the Palestinian Mandate. No further land concessions! It’s time for population displacement of all the Arabs who don’t want to live with Jews, to Jordan.


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