New Shidduchim “Freezer” at Yeshivas Mir Brachfeld

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A new takanah has been made at Yeshivas Mir Brachfeld by the rosh yeshiva, Rav Noam Alon, putting a “freezer” in place, banning starting shidduchim early.

In recent years, more bochurim have started getting engaged at a younger age.

With the new takanah announced by Rav Alon, anyone who wants to start shidduchim before the summer after his fifth year in the yeshiva must receive special permission.

In his remarks, the Rosh Yeshiva said that a boy’s growing time during this period is spending five full years in yeshiva. When shidduchim begin at the beginning of the fifth year, a bochur loses out on this.

In light of the above, Rav Alon said, after consulting with the yeshiva rabbeim, he went to the residence of Hagaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, rosh yeshiva of the Slabodka Yeshiva, who instructed him not to forbid the early starting of shidduchim with an outright ban. Rather, those who wish to start earlier should have to ask for special permission, so that someone who does not ask for permission and gets engaged early will be sent out of the yeshiva for not complying with the yeshiva regulations.

{ Israel}


  1. My friend complained to me about being in the freezer. He said that after coming out of the freezer, all he got was the left-overs.

  2. Then they cry about the “Shidduch Crisis”. Girls ready to get married will not wait for boys to finish the 5th year when the bochur is who knows how old?

    • Fifth year yeshiva in Israel means 21, maybe 22 years old. My 19 year old son in Ponovezh is in his 3rd year. Multiple boys in his shiur are already engaged.

    • There is no shidduch crisis. Hashem already sets up every person with their zivvug/shidduch wife to be 40 days before they are even born. Forget about the fact that now were talking they are already approximately 20 years later since born and setup. The question YOU need to ask yourself is if your doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of tefilla and bitachon and Emunah (faith and trust) in Hashem? And not just your gashmius hishtadlus of dating and speaking to shadchanim etc….

      Daven directly to Hashem to send you or your child their Shidduch ASAP. Hashem already has them setup for many years since before birth and is just waiting for your call for help and for the right time

  3. במחילת כבוד תורתם Delaying the time of dating is not a Takana but a Gezairah.
    I recently spoke to a Shadchan who told me she has a list of 350 girls vs.45 boys.
    She claimed that the other Shadchanim they too have a similar ratio of girls to boys.
    The number one cause for this is the wide age gap between boys & girls.
    Delaying boys from dating widens the gap even more

  4. תנא דבי אליהו פרק י”ח: “פעם אחת הייתי מהלך בתוך הגולה שבבבל ונכנסתי לעיר גדולה של ישראל ואין שם עכו”ם כלל ומצאתי שם מלמד תינוקות אחד וישבו לפניו מאתים נערים שרובן בני שמונה עשרה שנה ובני עשרים שנה ולשנה האחרת חזרתי לשם ומצאתי את התלמידים ואין רבם ביניהם אלא בן אחד בלבד שהוא היה בן בן בנו שבשביל מעשיהם המקולקלים של אותן נערים מת רבן ומתה אשתו ומת בנו ומתו כל הנערים שרובן בני שמונה עשרה ובני עשרים ולא נשתיירו רק הקטנים והייתי בוכה ומתאנח עליהם עד שבא אלי מלאך מן השמים ואמר לי מפני מה אתה בוכה ומתאנח אמרתי לו וכי לא אבכה ואתאנח על אלו שבאו לידי מקרא ומשנה ועכשיו הלכו להם והיו כלא היו ואמר לי לא יפה עשית שאתה בוכה ומתאבל ומתאנח עליהם אמרתי לו מפני מה ואמר לי שהן היו עושין דברים מכוערים ודברים שאינן ראויין ומקולקלין בעצמם והיו מוציאין שכבת זרע חנם והן לא היו יודעין בעצמן שהמיתה משגתן”.

      • No, but I think Eliyahu Hanavi is a bigger chacham than this Rosh Yeshiva (and had less negius as well). Though I do admit that Eliyahu Hanavi doesn’t have a famous shver or shteler.


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