Today we have good news for overseas residents. Some dear people and friends of Orchot Yosher have worked tirelessly to establish an English-language website designed for overseas residents, where you can see the Seforim that we have published, as well as view pictures and videos from Rav Chaim. You can also submit names for a Bracha that comes to us directly, and I present them to my grandfather who blesses the names. Of course, there’s no need to pay anything for it, everything is for הרבים זיכוי. But for those who wish to donate to Orchot Yosher, there is a possibility on the site, and of course, every donation is appreciated and is used to be מרבה תורה and Chessed in עם ישראל .
A few years ago, the chairman of the largest Chessed organization in Eretz Yisroel entered the room of Maran Sar HaTorah HaGaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita and poured his heart out about the predicament of his organization. In addition to Rav Chaim’s blessing, he also had a request.
The chairman of the organization asked Rav Chaim to give permission for his close grandson, Rabbi Aryeh Kanievsky, to go to the U.S. with him to raise funds, and that certainly if Rav Chaim’s grandson came, it would be very beneficial for his organization.
Rav Chaim heard the request, but refused!
Rav Chaim explained, “I need him here, with me, to help me with the people who come. If he goes to America, who will help me out over here?”
Pictured above is Rabbi Aryeh Kanievsky, the closest grandson to Rav Chaim for more than twenty years. From the time Rav Chaim agreed to schedule hours to grant audiences for the large public that comes to consult with and be blessed by him, Rabbi Aryeh has been on hand to make sure things run smoothly.
Rabbi Aryeh doesn’t talk much, nor does he like to be interviewed. He doesn’t engage in media or politics and devotes himself to serving his grandfather and helping the many Jews who want a blessing or advice. But in order to strengthen his organization Orchot Yosher, Rabbi Aryeh agreed to speak and reveal secrets from inside the home of Maran Sar HaTorah.
Question: Why is there a need for “Orchot Yosher”? There are so many good and important organizations, why is another one needed?
Answer: I will answer the question in the words of my grandfather Shlita, who answered this question himself. Orchot Yosher was established upon the request of Rav Chaim Shlita, who turned to me, within the שלושים of his wife’s passing Rebbetzin Bat Sheva Kanievsky a”h, and said, “Something should be done to elevate her soul”. And when I asked how to go about it, he replied: “There are many who are involved in the strengthening of Torah, there are many organizations for בעלי תשובה , and there are many who do kindness to poor people, widows and orphans, and other important things. But there is nothing
being done to help people with תיקון המידות ! So, set up an organization to strengthen the learning of Mussar!”
Question: Rav Chaim Kanievsky is known as Sar HaTorah – with vast knowledge in Torah, Halacha, and Midrashim of Chazal. But he is not known to be a Mussar figure as much, so why does he seek to strengthen the study of Mussar?
Answer: My grandfather Rav Chaim may not be famous as a Ba’al Mussar, but that’s a mistake. The wonderful Sefer he wrote [which our organization is named after] “Orchot Yosher” is a very special Mussar Sefer, and was sold out in its entirety within two days of being published. Subsequently, tens of thousands of copies have been printed dozens of times if not more, and to this day it remains the best-selling Sefer of all his Seforim. By the way, adds Rabbi Aryeh, when this Sefer was first published, Rav Chaim and the Rebbetzin decided that all proceeds from the sale of the Sefer would go to Tzedakah, and so it continues to this day. Anyone who has ever studied Orchot Yosher cannot claim that Rav Chaim is not a Mussar figure. Also, the teaching of Mussar is of paramount importance to my grandfather.
Q: How do you really uphold the request of Rav Chaim, how do you strengthen Mussar?
Answer: We have seen and continue to see great דשמיא סייעתא in all our undertakings. Nearly ten years have passed since the organization was established, and we have seen that tens of thousands of people study Mussar every month from the Seforim that we put out. There are hundreds of Torah lessons and דף יומי shiurim that conclude with Mussar that is taught from our Seforim. It is also taught in Yeshivos and Kollelim, in addition to Shiurim for Balei Batim and Seminars.
Question: Unlike other organizations, we haven’t seen you go public with solicitations and colorful donation campaigns, how does this organization survive?
Answer: Indeed, the question is good and the answer is: Only סייעתא דשמיא and the blessings of my grandfather Shlita. The truth is that our expenses add up to millions of dollars a year, because, alongside our Mussar activities, many more important things were added over time, such as the distribution of holiday
subsidies to needy families in huge amounts, seminars for Balei Batim [Yarchei Kalah], and much more, as directed by my grandfather.
There are really very dear and generous friends who help us do these great things, but yet it is quite difficult to raise such large sums of money. Only with the encouragement of my grandfather are we able to continue our programs into the future.
Question: There is a much-heard claim that it is very difficult to receive access to Rav Chaim in order to ask important questions or to obtain a Bracha for the ill. Do you have a way to help with this, especially for people overseas who do not live in Eretz Yisrael but very much want access to Rav Chaim?
Answer: This is true, and the reason for this is that there are hundreds of people every day who petition my grandfather. We, the members of the household, try very hard to help every Jew. We bring in the most urgent cases and answer the phone as much as possible, but it is impossible to answer them all.
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