New York City Considering Ending Business Contracts With Trump

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New York City is considering ending its business contracts with President Trump, according to the mayor’s office, after the president urged his supporters to march to the Capitol, which they violently attacked last week.

Laura Feyer, a spokeswoman for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D), told The Hill on Tuesday in a statement that the city was “reviewing whether legal grounds exist” to cease its contracts with the Trump Organization.

The president’s company, which he still owns but passed day-to-day operations to his sons, has contracts with New York City to run a carousel, two ice rinks and a golf course in the city’s parks. The Trump Organization has made about $17 million from the park concessions, The Washington Post reported, citing the president’s most recent financial disclosures.

“The attacks on our Capitol killed a police officer, left four rioters dead, exposed lawmakers to COVID-19 and threatened the constitutional transfer of power. They were a national abomination,” Feyer said in a statement.

“We’re reviewing whether legal grounds exist in light of these new circumstances to terminate concessions with the Trump Organization,” she added, without providing a timeline for the decision.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. another example of how this country has lost its mind. have they stopped doing business with all those who have cheated and stolen in business?

  2. Hey NYC – you lost more than 10% of your residents and taxpayers to Florida and other states. Now you’re gonna lose BIG BUSINESS as well – you might as well declare BANKRUPTCY and chage your name to BLM from NYC

  3. All those who’ve ended or are ending business contract with Trump are either on the indictment list or already shipped off to GTMO. (1/2 million on indictment list.) Do you think the Hill fake news will tell you truth?

  4. A quick search shows 200 companies who support BLM or Antifa will the city stop doing business with them because of the violence and mayhem these movements caused? Of course not it was peaceful violence. Or as Nadler said it was a myth or as Chris Cuomo said who said protests need to be peaceful.

  5. Typical knee-jerk reaction liberals. Don’t bother waiting for an investigation where you might find out the mob was a rent a mob, not brought to you by the Trump campaign. Don’t wait for an investigation that may actually find out, which you should be able to do anyway by checking video, that the president told people when they go to the capital to make sure they are respectful and peaceful.

    The left has gone in the same and this is why the left needs to be defeated. The sooner that happens the better off everyone will be.

  6. Cuomo and DeBlasio have already killed business in this once great City. Now NYC has turned into a Sanctuary City sewer. All normal people, of all race’s and gender’s, have fled this cesspool. Our City Council is so corrupt and evil, they would rather see our City be flushed down the toilet. We are clearly turning into an “escape from NY” situation.


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