Singer Yeedle Werdyger was spared from injury in a car accident that occurred while he was returning from Camp Simcha in New Jersey to his home in New York on Motzei Shabbos.
The accident occurred after a woman who was driving in front of Werdyger unexpectedly lost control of the steering wheel of her vehicle and collided with a railing on the side of the road.
Werdyger, who understood what was happening on the road, was able to stop the traffic on the side of the road and called the rescue forces and the police, thus managing to save himself and the other passengers on the road from a serious disaster.
As the people who were injured in the collision were being treated, a truck and vehicles that passed by very quickly collided with Werdyger’s parked vehicle and completely crushed it. Apart from damage to property, everyone miraculously survived unscathed.
Read more at Arutz Sheva.
The miracle is that Superstar Yeedle, his wife and 2 of his sons were in the car when the truck skidded across the highway and its roof rammed into the Werdyger’s car which was pulled over to the side of the road.
He was parked on the grass off the road and still a few vehicles plowed into his car? Or was he parked on the inside lane near the divider (extremely dangerous)? B”H his mishpacha was spared.
Losing control of the steering wheel of the vehicle has become a very common reaction after the experimental jab from blood clots in the brain.
Sta off the cell phone and nothing will happen. Heard at the asifa.
Yudel should make a cheshbon hanefesh after such an incident.
He would be smart to check have his MezzuzoT and Teffilin checked