NJ: Summer Camps Likely To Reopen This Year If Coronavirus Outbreak Continues To Slow, Murphys Says

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With June just a few days away and the conclusion of the virtula school year nearing, Gov. Phil Murphy said today that he is optimistic summer camps could reopen this year as long as the coronavirus outbreak continues to slow in New Jersey. He also put day care centers in the same category.

NJ.com reports:

“I have a high degree of confidence, assuming that the numbers keep going in the right direction, that we can have summer camp activity. We’re just not there yet,” Murphy said at his daily COVID-19 briefing in Trenton.

Parents and camp operators “should continue to hold out hope” programs will occur. The governor also said he’s increasingly confident day care will resume, saying there’s a big demand for the state to release guidelines about day care facilities and youth sports.

Read more at NJ.com.



  1. The Devil is in the Detail.

    Notice the wording “we can have summer camp ACTIVITY”.

    For a liberal, that can mean-
    * only 3 children in a room of 300 SF
    * STRICT social distancing {even among 6 year olds}.
    * camp must hav a 90 day “Supply” of Face masks & Full gear [just in case 1 child comes up with Kawasaki].
    * No swimming.
    * No Contact Sports.
    * Camps need to sanitized every 6 hours.
    * And of Course, all camps will be inspected by {well meaning} Health Departments on a bi-weekly basis.

  2. Please excuse my ignorance, but I don’t get what the big deal is for Summer camps to open.
    I’m not from the US, so I presume I’m missing something, but what would be so bad if the kids have to remain home during school break?
    (I appreciate that in a scenario where the family has both parents working, they need a solution to care for the kids while they can’t remain at home themselves. But surely a Summer camp is not the only solution.)

  3. what does this say for ny? personaly i also know a yeshiva camp (mesivta/bm)that also has a bungalow colony.They there building..,people get this..a FENCE around the whole misivta and bm camp,completly RESTRICTING ANY ACSESS ,whther to bungalow,or the outside world!,and this is in event that their opening altoghter.,so kids,beaware..

  4. To anonymous: most of the Tri state area has been home with their children indefinitely since Mid March….
    If the kids will remain home during school break that will mean they will be home for close to 6 months by the time they get back to school in September! Absolutely absurd!!!!!

  5. OPEN THE SCHOOLS!!! DEFY THESE DUMB ORDERS ALREADY!!! how is camp ok and school not? This idiot is just following the corrupt teachers union. Where is the great Ronald Reagan when we need him? חבל על דאבדין. He would’ve fired every teacher in the country by now and had the military teaching


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