NO SURPRISE: Biden Was Away From Office Much of ’24

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President Joe Biden spent a significant portion of his final year in office away from the White House, with a substantial 24% of his time spent in Delaware, Camp David, or other vacation locations, as revealed by a Daily Caller examination of White House pool reports. Throughout the year, Biden made 27 trips to Delaware.

By the end of the year, the president had spent 89 full and partial days away from the White House, not counting the days he was abroad on official business. Biden’s time away from the office increased following his withdrawal from the presidential race, with 46 of those days occurring from August to the end of the year, including his current stay in St. Croix.

This total excludes a trip to Camp David that Biden made ahead of the first presidential debate, where he remained largely out of the public eye for nearly a week. It also doesn’t account for his time in Delaware while recovering from COVID-19, when he stayed out of sight for another week and withdrew from the presidential race.

In August, Biden’s absence from the White House reached 21 days, with 14 of those days spent in Delaware, six days in Santa Ynez, California, and an additional day at Camp David.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates responded to the Daily Caller’s inquiry by noting, “It’s a little ironic to be fleshing this out for an internet-based outlet, but commanders in chief have been able to perform the full range of their duties from anywhere in the world for decades. For example, President Biden was in Delaware when he secured the international deal that brought wrongfully detained Americans like Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan home.”

Bates also emphasized that Biden works “around the clock” and has taken “few” vacation days during his presidency.

In comparison to previous years, Biden’s time away from the White House has actually decreased. A Daily Caller analysis from 2022 found that Biden spent nearly 40% of that year in Delaware, Camp David, or other vacation spots. In 2023, that figure dropped to 37%.



  1. Biden lkely has no idea where he was or when. Quite pathetic when dementia has become so dominant, and lucidity such a rare occurrence.


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