NOT WOKE ENOUGH: BLM Opposes Buttigieg Cabinet Nomination

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Leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement have come out against President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to nominate former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg for Secretary of Transportation, recalling his struggles with minority voters.

Biden announced Tuesday that Buttigieg was his choice for the transportation post — a plum position for a candidate who dropped out of the presidential race before Super Tuesday and endorsed the former vice president.

As Fox News noted, Buttigieg was criticized in South Bend for failing to fix potholes in his city, whose roads were regarded as among the worst in the state.

In addition, Buttigieg faced opposition from the local black community after he demoted the city’s first black police chief, and after a white police officer shot and killed a black man named Eric Logan. Black Lives Matter activists followed Buttigieg on the campaign trail and protested him repeatedly.

Read more at Breitbart.



  1. This boy’s entire claim to fame is his disorientation. Otherwise, he would have forever remained a failed mayor of a failing city.
    What does he know about transportation, anyway? He doesn’t. Biden is trying to outdo himself in diversifying his cabinet.
    So, at least one Alphabet person is desperately needed. Joe would have much preferred an melanotic transgender female, but in the absence of such, Pete will have to do.

  2. It’s all about gender politics, with this bafoon Biden. The bottom line is that Joe is an old time racist who can’t stand people of color. Even when choosing a VP, he made sure to get a half/white skinned Indian American. Joe has a problem with black people and I find that very troubling. At least Trump hired real blacks.

    • Actual black people don’t seem to have a problem with Biden, other than the Marxist nutjobs at BLM. Biden is pissing off the right people with his appointments.

  3. The leaders of any ‘movement’ opposing a cabinet pick shouldn’t make an iota of difference to such high-level decisions. (And certainly not when their objections are so pathetic.)


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