Noted Baal Chesed Rabbi Shimon Braun zt”l

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Rabbi Shimon Braun zt”l, Chairman of the Yad Avraham Bikur Cholim organization, passed away after a prolonged illness at the age of 65.

He served as the mashbak (personal attendant) to the Divrei Emunah of Toldos Aharon zt”l and helped countless people.

In recent years, Rabbi Braun battled a severe illness, and tragically, his condition deteriorated over the last few months. This morning, surrounded by his family, he passed away.

Over the years, he established the Yad Avraham organization through which he helped thousands of people in hospitals in Yerushalayim and provided medical advice. He was closely connected to gedolei Torah and was considered their confidant in all matters related to healthcare. He treated each case with dedication and care.

He was blessed to leave behind children who continue his acts of chesed. His son, Reb Chaim Yitzchak Braum, CEO of Yad Avraham, carries on his legacy in all matters of chesed.

Yehi zichrah boruch.



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