The New York State Senate and Assembly could potentially vote on a bill in the next session that would give the governor and his or her delegates permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers or any person who is potentially a “significant threat to public health,” Newsmax reports.
According to the National Pulse, the bill gives the Governor of New York or his or her delegates, which include the commissioner and heads of local health departments, the right to remove and detain anyone by issuing a single order.
The individual or group may be held in a medical facility or “any other they deem appropriate.” The bill will also “require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination.”
How about if they “deem appropriate” to lock them in their own home?
Welcome to Beijing…
Leonid Brezhnev is smiling now.
I’m still trying to convince myself that this dream will end soon.
This is no longer a dream. Its on the edge of becoming reality. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
The law is probably unnecessary; under current law one can be involuntarily committed if you are a threat to yourself or others.
These are the same genius politicians who voted for bail reform so criminals can repeat their crimes ad infinitum.
DANGEROUS !!! Such a broad power to be given to a few people in the goverment , has proven to be a danger to the well being of our society. This seems like a replay of what has happened in the past when Governor Coumo has given this kind of power and caused the death of thousands of New Yorkers in hospitals and nursing homes. Please write to your assemblymen to stand up against the idea of giving such a power to a few single politicians. Politicians have lost their trust by the public, and even more so when caring for the public’s health.
What did you just say?!
DANGEROUS !!! Such a broad power to be given to a few people in the goverment , has proven to be a danger to the well being of our society. This seems like a replay of what has happened in the past when Governor Coumo has given this kind of power and caused the death of thousands of New Yorkers in hospitals and nursing homes. Please write to your assemblymen to stand up against the idea of giving such a power to a few single politicians. Politicians have lost their trust by the public, and even more so when caring for the public’s health.
DANGEROUS !!! Such a broad power to be given to a few people in the goverment , has proven to be a danger to the well being of our society. This seems like a replay of what has happened in the past when Governor Coumo was given this kind of power and caused the death of thousands of New Yorkers in hospitals and nursing homes. Please write to your assemblymen to stand up against the idea of giving such a power to a few single politicians. Politicians have lost their trust by the public, and even more so when caring for the public’s health.
Okay, that’s enough.
Nothing to worry about. His ‘public health’ he’s referring to are the elites with crimes against humanity. Haven’t you realized how many politicians were “tested positive” recently?
Remember when Deblasio and Cuomo were blaming the Jews and their large funerals for spreading the pandemic, while ignoring the Black Lives Matter riots.
When Jews initially had a high infection rate to the sudden COVID outbreak coinciding with Purim, then the Jews were spreading disease but when the black and brown communities were experiencing higher infection rates for the majority of the pandemic then we were told that they were victims and the pandemic was unfairly impacting communities of color because of socioeconomic reasons.
Well, if this law passes then the Jews can legally be rounded up and sent to detainment camps.
There is no inherent justice and there are no automatic rights. The majority decides on a whim what they feel should be just and what shouldn’t be just regardless of the merits and facts. The Jews aren’t the majority and the majority certainly isn’t sympathetic to them.
If anybody still thinks the horrors of Nazi Germany simply can’t repeat itself in America due to the constitution and the inalienable civil rights afforded to it’s citizens, then think again!
So the wild criminals with a rap sheet of violent crimes get out on no cash bail. That is certainly a threat to public health. Isn’t a slash or slug in the face unhealthy?
As a child of Holocaust survivors this brings back horrible memories. If this bill goes anywhere, it would be time to leave the state or bring down the government; by any available means. Stalin and Hitler used these techniques.
So I guess you disagree with Charlie Hall.
The article states:
“the bill gives the Governor of New York or his or her delegates, which include the commissioner and heads of local health departments, the right to remove and detain anyone by issuing a single order.”
This would give any appointed person the right to issue an order and imprison anyone the wish on any trumped up charge with out due process first. People appointed by a governor should not have that power!!!
This is what they did in China and Russia to grab power.