HATE IN THE BIG APPLE: NY Man Allegedly Yelled ‘I’m Gonna Kill All The Jews’ While Trying To Drive Into Students Near Yeshiva

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A Pakistani American man, reportedly with a history of mental illness, allegedly sought to run over yeshiva students and a rabbi with his car and was said to have yelled “I’m gonna kill all the Jews” on Wednesday.

Asghar Ali, 58, was arrested and “faces more than a dozen charges including attempted murder, attempted assault and hate crimes charges,” the New York Post reported.

The suspect allegedly tried to drive his 2011 white Crown Victoria into the Jews near Mesivta Nachlas Yakov.

Boro Park Shomrim aided police in the investigation and helped find the suspect, it added.


  1. Mental Illness is no longer an excuse. We all know many people who suffer from mental illness who dont try to kill people. Take your meds man, & be liable for your actions.

    And if your meds dont work, you need to be in a mental home. But once you are a menace – you go to jail.

  2. Those Crown Victoria cars are solid vehicles. Good strong 8 cylinder engines. I wouldn’t mind buying one of those if one becomes available. That, or an old Cadillac. Powerful cars. Had a Lincoln Town car for a while but wasn’t happy with it. It just wasn’t comfortable for me.

  3. A Pakistani American man, reportedly with a history of mental illness,

    Mental illness, right. That is what they ALWAYS say by serious antisemitic attacks unless they can claim the attacker was a right wing Trump supporter

  4. why is it that even though a person yells he wants to kill the jews is it never a hate crime. when a pro palestine terrorist hits a jew is it neither a hate crime, yet when a jew touches a terrorist pro palestine it is charged as a hate crime? this terrorist yelled his intentions, yet it’s instantly found to be not anti semitic bias. Is it the same as when the terrorist harvard gray proclaimed that calling for the genocide of jews is almost always acceptable!


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