NY Yom Tov Attack On Yeshivos: The Inside Story

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Just two weeks ago, the NY State Board of Regents imposed new, stricter rules on all Yeshivas statewide.

The State Education Department lost no time in demonstrating its bias against yeshivas.  On Erev Yom Tov, the State found Yeshiva Mesivta Arugath Habosem, in Williamsburg, to be non-equivalent, giving the Yeshiva sixty days to come up with a plan to change.

Here is the rest of the frightening story. Last year, the State directed the City Department of Education to conduct an inquiry into Yeshiva. The City did just that, visiting the yeshiva twice, preparing a report with 600 pages of documentation and concluding that the yeshiva is substantially equivalent. Even as we celebrate our Yom Tov, State Education Commissioner Betty Rosa is on the attack. She overruled the City and failed the Yeshiva – without visiting the Yeshiva at all! In this, the bureaucrats in Albany ignored the recommendation of the career education professionals at the City Department of Education.

What was wrong with Arugath Habosem? Can it happen to my Yeshiva?

Read the State’s justifications for its actions, which are particularly alarming.  They complained that even when the curriculum was being taught, the yeshiva did not have a comprehensive “scope and sequence” document that sets out how each lesson fits together.

Among other things, Commissioner Rosa’s ruling complains that – in first to sixth grade – patriotism and the New York State Constitution are not taught. And “there is no evidence that students are provided with instruction around mental health, alcohol, drugs, tobacco abuse, and detection of certain cancers.”

The State also penalized the yeshiva for not having comprehensive written student assessments.

There is no Yeshiva in the State that can stand up to these rules. No yeshiva is safe from the anti-yeshiva bureaucrats who run the State Education Department.

The Yeshiva community is determined to stand together with Yeshiva Arugath Habosem, come what may.




  1. So what can we actually do to remedy the situation as it stands today short of electing….., well, I guess Kathy Hochul and her Democrat teammates!

  2. The Governor can end this madness with a snap of her finger. She refuses to. She hates the Frum community. She must be thrown out of Albany.

  3. The real inside story. I and the other thousands of yidden who wrote letters to the SED were naive to believe that our voice would be heard. We were all proud of our successful yeshiva graduates. Satmar made a business expo which displayed their success. And lastly we proudly announce we have no murders or violent criminals coming out of our yeshivos. BUT the SED cares only about control. They couldn’t care if everyone of our yeshiva graduate was as rich as Bill Gates as smart as Einstein or as honest as Lincoln or even as liberal as Deblassio. They want us to teach THEIR curriculum. Second many wrote in their letters that we get thinking skills and morals from Chumash and Gemara. The SED laughs at us. They look at Chumash as simple bible stories l״a. The Gemara is just some abstract law book mixed with mythology l”a To them our students are wasting their time. The SED won’t stop here they want us to teach that Hester has two moms (nevala) and evolution (;kefira) and for those who say stop taking money. It’s not the money. Even if the yeshivos stop taking money they will still want us to follow their curriculum.

    • If we’ll stop getting funding from Sedom, we’ll even be able to stop their mandatory death jabs because Mosdos who want Sedom funding have to suicide their talmidim.

    • First of all yeshivos are entitled to various programs and funding which has zero to do with curriculum. Second even if the yeshivos stopped taking money from NYS nothing will change. The SED will still want us to teach their curriculum.

      • 1. There will be more and more strings attached to whatever we rightfully claim.

        2. Yes, NYSED will make trouble, until NY elects a Republican Governor, but our dependence on taxpayer money makes things dicier yet.

        3. Anything substantially equivalent to today’s public school REALITY is bad for education.

  4. WE MUST EITHER TAKE BACK THE Democratic party or vote in the Republican Lee Zeldin for governer. The second option is easier and it is still doable if we all get together. Else, there may be riots or we will all have to leave NY and the Yeshivas will all go broke. The askonim are all benefitting from their connections and can sell us out; even if they are orthodox.

    WAKE UP !!!!!

  5. Gedolei Yisroel and administrators of schools and yeshivos should learn from the Muslims how it’s done. A huge Muslim population showed up at a school-board meeting in Dearborn, MI, protesting their immoral curriculum. So much so that they kept shutting down board meetings, causing board members to stop the meetings.

    • Yes, and Merrick Garland now has these racist white parents in his sights because they have automatically been labeled as domestic terrorists.

      • But the leftists dare not touch Muslim parents because they consider them to be part of the “oppressed” for some unfathomable reason.

  6. The only way to stop these regulations is to daven.

    But the hishtadlus that is incumbent on every frum Jew, is to register everyone in his family to vote, and to show up on November 8 and vote for Lee Zeldin for governer.

    This is an expulsion order for the Jewish community throughout NY. Spanning from NYC to Monsey, the 5 towns, Kiryas Yoel, etc.

    Hashem is giving us a chance to stop this, and the entire community needs to seize on this.

    בעזרת ה’ נעשה ונצליח


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