NYC Down TO 63 New Hospitalizations – But De Blasio Still Refuses To Reopen

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Only 63 people were hospitalized with suspected COVID-19 in New York City on Monday – a tenth of how many went into hospitals on March 20, the day the city shut down – but Mayor Bill de Blasio is adamant about keeping the lockdown going until June at least.

New York City is the last region in the state of New York to reopen and de Blasio has been vague about when the first phase will begin.

It has met five of the seven reopening requirements set out by Gov. Cuomo but is still two percent short on hospital capacity and doesn’t have enough contact tracers.

Read more at DAILY MAIL.



  1. DeBlasio is part of the present day Democrat/Progressive machine that wants to dominate and rule over the common herd. They want total submission from us, to their evil desires. In order to accomplish this, he creates a Divide and Conquer strategy that worked so well for Eric Holder & Obama. He did that by hiring his “ambassadors”, his own brown shirts, a government within a government. Thank G-d DeBlasio failed miserably in his presidential run.

    • Not all must be met to start the city functioning again. It’s a process liberal politicians in NYC and Albany don’t understand.

  2. One of the criteria not met is hiring enough tracers. He can stall as long as he likes. Only a law suit will open the city.

  3. Who made these Foolish criteria ? Why do we need to train and hire so many Contact tracers ? And who needs them? and why? What does the idea of contact tracers have to do with opening up the stores and the schools The criteria thing is Designed the keep NYC locked down !
    300 contact tracers for each million persons 3000 contact tracers to meddle in you privacy? / they will be able to enter without warrant and call CPS if they so deem to .
    Wake up New Yorker’s! ‘Helmut Wilhelm’ Does not have your good in his mind!

  4. MAJOR: WHO Makes About-Face And Rules-Out Second Corona Wave – Breaks With Bill Gates Predictive Mode!
    GENEVA – May 26, 2020 – In a major development which cuts against Bill Gates’ own policies and modeling, the director of Public Health of the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2005 , María Neira , said Monday May 25th 2020 that the models they work with are “increasingly” ruling out a second major wave of the coronavirus . Her role is of particular importance to the operation of WHO in the EU.

    Neira has nevertheless called for “great caution” and “common sense” in this “very critical” phase of the pandemic, that of the de-escalation , and, in statements to RAC-1, has requested that the population not have “or paranoia nor excessive relaxation “, and” learn to live with infectious diseases “.

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