NYC To Add 100 Security Cameras In Jewish Neighborhoods Rife With Anti-Semitism

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The New York City municipality will install 100 security cameras in religious Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn.

Cameras will be installed in Boro Park, Crown Heights, and Williamsburg, where there has been an uptick in the number of anti-Semitic attack, the municipality said.

The cameras are part of a three-pronged approach aiming to reduce the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the city, and follow an increase in police presence in the same neighborhoods.

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



    • Well, duh. The cameras are meant to bring in more revenue for the City coffers. This has zero to do with our security. The camera’s will catch more people with red light tickets and speeding tickets. Just more government intrusion into our private lives. Plain & simple.


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