NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said Wednesday that large gatherings like the levaya held in Brooklyn Tuesday night were endangering his police officers — as the mayor claimed he has a “long deep relationship with the orthodox Jewish community.”
Shea, who said a 12 summonses were issued, also pushed back against criticism that other groups were holding similar gatherings.
“There was two funerals last weekend for members of the NYPD, we would normally have probably tens of thousands of people at that funeral, we had a handful,” Shea said of scaled down police officer funerals.
“People have to be accountable for their own actions, regardless of what neighborhood, ethnicity, where they come from, we cannot have what we had last night. We will not tolerate it.”
Read more at THE NY POST.
But when frum Yidden are being assaulted in Crown Heights and Williamsburg these lowlife Donut Eaters are nowhere to be found. If these Donut Eaters are scared, they should find another line of work. We pay their stinking salaries!
And what about the plane flyby? Thats worthwhile putting peoples lives at risk?
tremendous chilul Hashem!!!!!!!
Drink fish tank cleaner, you judenrat.
Dermot Shea:
Your life is at risk because you have no brain. You think you could sell us this “stuff”?
Cops at risk. I’ll tell you about cops at risk, Ya big doof.
I was in the 70 pct yesterday. 50 cops standing around in close contact. Only one was wearing a mask. One. One. If they die, it’s because of them, not because a few Jews gathered in Boro park.
They shouldn’t have done that and it was disgusting that they did but sop the nonsense. Jews Jews Jews.
Or in williamsburg
Really now, and when they were standing shoulder to shoulder at a fire chiefs funeral that didn’t risk it?? don’t make me laugh
ok here is what i think: there should not have been a levaya for the public just because of this very issue, BUT there was one we can’t go back in time.
why does the nypd think that they need to start pushing everyone away and start fighting with people??!! that’s why they’re at risk nobody asked them to come and nobody asked them to start yelling and pushing!! let everyone do whatever the darn they want!! personally i think the U.S. should do same as israel, you don’t want to stay home bevakasha go out, go to school, go to your neighbor whatever you want. just don’t leave your neighborhood put a big gate around and done, problem solved let them make levaya’s and go to shull…
Sort of like the film escape from NY. I hear you.
The top cop wants to stay in his job.
As Jews we should keep a low profile. Its not safe to stick out for not keeping guidelines and laws- whether you agree with it or not. Are we not forgetting that we are in Golus? Its a host country. Lets stop with the outrage and keep a low profile. Self righteousness wont help us and its dangerous. It is time to look within instead of looking at who’s mistreating us all the time. Its actually unfair to the rest of us, when a few noisemakers who think they are smarter than everyone, make a lot of noise unnecessarily.
Puts the police officers lives at risk? A simple funeral? THAT YOUR PEOPLE APPROVED?
Why don’t you just admit you want to kiss up to Comrade deBlasio?