Obama Encourages Americans To Prepare For A Year Of ‘Ripple’ Effects From Coronavirus

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Former President Obama is urging Americans to prepare for an extended period of economic turmoil and other lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

In a recent virtual town hall hosted by My Brother’s Keeper, a national initiative for young men of color launched by Obama while he was in the White House, the former president said that he didn’t want people to view the current pandemic as a “short-term thing.”

“Even in the states that are doing it best, even when things reopen, it’s still not going to be what everybody wants. It’s going to take some time,” Obama said. “The economic effects are going to continue to ripple out. We haven’t seen all the impact that’s going to occur. I say that not to scare folks, but to get people thinking this going to be a marathon, not a sprint.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Obama has been sent 6′ under over 1/2 a year ago. Whom is fake news fooling with this nonsense?

  2. Expect a bobke report from Ruth Ginsburg, Hillary, Billary, Soros, the queen or her husband next week.


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