OH, THE IRONY: Vladimir Putin’s Secret Grandchild Is a Zelensky, Says Report

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The list of pro-West Russians who Vladimir Putin despises apparently does not include his daughter Katerina Tikhonova, who has flown to Munich, Germany, more than 50 times in recent years, according to a report by Russian media outlet iStores and Germany’s Der Spiegel.

Another allegation in the report: The Russian president has also had to stomach—if true—that his daughter’s child shares a last name with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky. The father, Igor Zelensky, is not related to Putin’s archenemy, according to the joint report which was based on a dossier of leaked documents including flight records showing the Putin kid’s apparent love of European travel. Read more at the Guardian.


  1. This is so silly.

    That they share a last name surely makes no difference to Mr. Putin.
    Mr. Zelensky is not his “arch-enemy”; he is simply the leader of Ukraine.


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