Ohio Police Chief Steps Down after Sharing Racist, Antisemitic Memes

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Brian Gerhard, East Cleveland chief of police, has agreed to resign as the city’s top law-enforcement officer six months after a suspension when an investigation began into imagery alleged to have come from his cell phone.

He is accused of sharing memes between June 2019 and August 2022 that reportedly include caricatures of Jews, advocacy of Adolf Hitler, antisemitic conspiracy theories, racism against black people and homophobic themes.

The agreement between Gerhard and the city did not require him to admit wrongdoing nor did it make mention of the offensive communications. The deal went into effect on June 14, though Gerhard will remain on the payroll through Dec. 15.

Willa Hemmons, East Cleveland law director, expressed hope that “this agreement will rectify some of the harm and hurt, and we will be able to move forward.”

Gerhard had assumed his position in October 2022, following the previous chief’s arrest on charges of theft and tax fraud.




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