Omicron Appears To ‘Evade’ Some Protection From COVID Vaccines, Fauci Says

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Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday said “sobering” preliminary studies show the Omicron variant of COVID-19 appears to evade some of the protection provided by vaccines.

But the White House chief medical adviser added that at least booster shots appear to help increase efficacy against the variant.

“The thing that’s important is that [Omicron] appears to be able to evade some of the immune protection of things like monoclonal antibodies, convalescent plasma and the antibodies that are induced by vaccines. That’s the sobering news,” Fauci told ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos on “This Week.”

“The somewhat encouraging news is that preliminary data show that when you get a booster, for example, a third shot of an mRNA, it raises the level of protection high enough that it then does do well against the Omicron,” Fauci added.


  1. Another self publicizing pronouncement by Fauci. Three people who love to get themselves heard continuously are
    יָפָה שְׁתִיקָה לַחֲכָמִים, קַל וָחומֶר לַטִפְּשִׁים

  2. Then it’s a good thing I never got any of the vaccines. Those who did vax and those who didn’t vax are in the exact same boat. You lemechels just don’t get the message.


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