By 2025, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels, according to Upwork’s “Future of Workforce Pulse Report” released on Tuesday.
“Our research shows the long-lasting impact that remote work and Covid-19 are likely to have on how hiring managers think about their organizations,” says Upwork chief economist, Adam Ozimek. “As businesses adapt and learn from this remote work experiment, many are altering their long-term plans to accommodate this way of working.”
“What’s interesting is that remote work is getting better for the vast majority of companies as they adapt to the new model,” Ozimek said. “Only 5% of respondents of the survey said it was getting worse.”
Read more at CNBC.
This will destroy the american middle class. What’s to stop the management from firing the expensive american remote workers, and hiring $5/hour remote workers anywhere in the world. Additionally, no payroll tax expense, and no need for the work visas. The only problem being: if 90% of your customer base turns poor, you’ll have no one to sell to, and your business will go under – irrelevant of how cheap your employees are.