Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman signed into law a shekel-per-liter tax on drinks with high-sugar levels — including grape-juice, commonly used for kiddush. The tax will raise the price of a six-pack of soft drinks from $11 to $14.
This was in addition to a tax on disposable dishes, expected to bring in $190 million in taxes per annum by raising the price of these items by 120%.
Before the tax went into effect, consumers filled shopping carts with the items and yeshivos and institutions ordered sufficient supplies to last for months.
{Matzav.com Israel}
And the aliyah hustlers want us to drop all our freedoms of religion and run to Israel where they hate us?!
The solution is to drink grape-juices with less sugar and use non-disposables silver ware (Yeshivah students would have to wash forks and knives more often).
My main criticism here is that disposables are good for preventing the spread of Covid (which the Establishment is hyped about).
It’s none of anyone’s business how much sugar I use for Kiddush and certainly not the Finance Minister’s. It’s time to oust the government and the judicial system once and for all.
FYI the covid “pandemic” started with the vacksine which is when the hospitals started filling up and people dying in droves. To stop covid, stop the death vacks. Nothing to do with disposables, sugar or other nonsense.
your headline is meant to attack; the tax is on high sugar content which includes grape juice. It is not a tax on grape juice, especially not kiddush, per se.
@dr. yidd
They could have easily excluded grape juice from the tax because of its significance for Kiddush.
the real question is what about RC cola
there ate low sugar/low alcohol wine alternatives; grape juice bad for many people.
Silver lining: Kiddush and Havdalah should preferably be made on wine (not grape juice)
“Harbei Shluchim Lamakom”!
Using wine is the preferable derech. And that includes havdalah. Using grape juice for Kiddush is not so pashut at all. Even though it says on the bottle that it’s good for the arba kosos on Pesach, many poskim disagree.