OU Won’t Certify ‘Impossible Pork’ As Kosher

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Impossible Foods, the plant-based meat company, is releasing a long-awaited new product — but unlike the wildly popular Impossible Burger, it won’t be certified kosher.

The largest and most influential certifier of kosher products in the world has declined to endorse Impossible Pork, even though nothing about its ingredients or preparation conflicts with Jewish dietary laws.

“The Impossible Pork, we didn’t give an ‘OU’ to it, not because it wasn’t kosher per se,” said Rabbi Menachem Genack, the CEO of the Orthodox Union’s kosher division. “It may indeed be completely in terms of its ingredients: If it’s completely plant-derived, it’s kosher. Just in terms of sensitivities to the consumer … it didn’t get it.”

“The Impossible Burger itself is a huge, huge success and people really, really like it,” Rabbi Genack said. “It’s a really excellent, excellent product in every respect.”

But Rabbi Genack said he and others at the OU recalled what happened when they once certified “bacon” that wasn’t made of pig.

“We still get deluged with calls from consumers who either don’t get it or they’re uncomfortable with it,” he said.

Read more at Times of Israel.



  1. Kol hakavod to Rabbi Genack and his staff at the OU. Once you start down a slippery slope there is no telling what kind of nichsolim will come from it r”l.

  2. I don’t get it, the Rav wants to give a hechsher, but is backing down because of complaints of ignorant people?

    We should be following Daas Torah, and not bow to people without proper Daas Torah.

      • if Maris eyin was a issue it was a issue for the other meats that can be used “incorrectly” this is the hechsher wanting their cake and eating it to. if its not meat than it’s no different than them putting a Hechsher on kosher bacon bits. why selectively drawing lines? last time I checked those have hachsherim??

  3. “Frum” butchers and restaurants sell treif. THIS ISNT TREIF, why be baal mosef? Isnt it better to offer it as kosher than have people eat it without a hechsher? WHat kind of slippery slope? We have bigger battles to fight. Wake up!! As for Maris Ayin, this is like the issur of putting margarine on the fleishig table, it will pass. When we start assuring things that are mutar we will end up mutaring things that are assur.

    • I was gonna post the exact same thing they are being extremely hypocritical. either draw the line at anything bacon “flavored” or its quite frankly idiotic.

  4. i fashioned a lobster out of salmon
    i fasshioned catfish (not kosher) out of pike
    both are ok
    i fashion cheese from soy and serve it on a burger


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